Western Time Zone Agenda

Event 1: Wednesday 4th May

13:00 to 17:00 (UK Time)

13:00 to 13:15 Welcome

13:15 to 14:15 Panel 1 Discussion

14:15 to 14:45 Audience Q&A

14:45 to 15:00 BREAK

15:00 to 15:45 Paul Hoggett

15:45 to 16:15 Respondent - Renee Lertzman

16:15 to 16:30 BREAK

16:30 to 17:00 Plenary and Close

Panel 1 Abstract

Then to Now: What have we learnt about the Psychosocial Response to Climate Change?

Chaired by Steffi Bednarek

Some of us have been campaigning or reflecting upon climate change and its effects on our world and life since COP15. We have been disappointed, year after year, with the weakness of social, political and economic reactions to what increasingly looks like the beginning of an irretrievable disaster. Others, especially young people, are being born into a world where the horizon of hope appears ever more distant. Issues of class, race, inequality and ecological destruction seem to threaten to overwhelm us and disproportionately affect the young and the less fortunate in the world. How have we come to this? What lessons, if any can we take from these failures? After COP26, what have we learnt?

Event 2: Saturday 7th May

11:00 to 16:00 (UK Time)

11:00 to 11:10 Welcome

11:10 to 12:10 Panel 2 Discussion

12:10 to 12:30 Audience Q&A

12:30 to 13:00 LUNCH

13:00 to 13:45 Shelot Masithi

13:45 to 15:15 Experiential Sessions

15:15 to 15:30 BREAK

15:30 to 16:00 Plenary and Close

Panel 2 Abstract

From Now into the Future: The role of activism and a Psychosocial Response to Climate Change post COP26

Chaired by Trudi Macagnino

At COP26 in Glasgow an estimated 100,000 people took to the streets to demand more action on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Young people in particular showed their conviction and determination to protest for a viable future with moving speeches from Greta Thunberg and other young activists from around the world. Representatives from indigenous people also made speeches and took part in protests in the city. About 100 further demonstrations were held in other parts of the UK while events were also taking place in a further 100 countries all over the world.

Well known celebrities such as George Monbiot, Chris Packham, Jane Fonda, David Attenborough and Leonardo DiCaprio have added their weight and influence to activist organisations such as Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion. New activist movements such as Insulate Britain have emerged and, at the same time, there is a trend towards increasing state powers to prevent protests, as illustrated by the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill going through parliament in the UK.

So what has been the impact of such a mass protest and what is the role of activism in the future transition to net zero carbon and a socially just world? As our understanding of the psycho-social factors involved in global responses to the Climate and Ecological Emergency have evolved, what would a psycho-social response look like?

Parallel Experiential Sessions

Social Dreaming

Facilitated by Julian Manley

In social dreaming, we gather together to share our night-time dreams and associations to those dreams. In the conference, we will be doing this in the context of the conference themes. Social dreaming is interested in the dream, not the dreamer, so it is a social event that explores the shared unconscious. There is no turn-taking and people offer dreams, images, associations and feelings as and when they wish. There are two sections to the event, first a ‘matrix’, where participants share their dreams and associations, and second a post-matrix discussion, where participants offer some creative sense-making from the dreams that identify new thoughts that had hitherto remained undiscovered.

Climate Café

Facilitated by Rebecca Nestor

A climate café is a simple, hospitable, empathetic space where fears and uncertainties about our climate and ecological crisis can be safely expressed.

With sturdy enough support structures in place, most people can sustain challenging feelings without either dissociating and numbing or going into blind panic. They can engage with difficult truths whilst staying connected and grounded.

A climate café aims to be such a structure - a container that is strong enough to allow the exploration of fear, anxiety, and other emotions such as anger, helplessness, sadness, grief, depression or anything else that emerges from the conference.

The focus of discussion is participants’ thoughts and feelings about the climate and ecological crisis. There are no guest speakers and no talks, and it is an advice-free zone. Whilst the conference themes are the main focus of the café, we realise that other related preoccupations need a space to be explored. This can happen here too.

Through the Door Taster Session

Facilitated by Harriet Sams

These are times of great change and uncertainty. We are transiting a cultural threshold – going ‘through the door’ – and this requires relinquishing the ‘normal’ and being open to another reality.

In this short introductory session we invite you to go ‘through the door’ into a way of experiencing the current crises that is counter-culture, imaginal and emergent. We will explore our own experience of what happens when we go through the door with the use of imagery, writing, pair work and group process.

Between the desire to ‘Do Something’ and the feelings of overwhelm, is a third possibility, that of being with the unendurable feelings and engaging a different reality. The session is designed to assist in building personal resilience as a new story of an uncertain future unfolds.

This short session is a taster of the day-long workshop, run by the CPA, which invites a deeper dive down through the breaks and ruptures of our times.

Because of the short, online nature of this session, it is recommended that you bring only that which feels comfortable to work with. This is not a therapy session, nor is it grief counselling. In this light, to be fully aware of what we bring, what others may bring and what we may experience in the workshop, is important. This is not a workshop for therapists only; all are welcome. Again, with this in mind, it is important to bring an enquiring mind, that is open to other worldviews.

Website: www.nwyfre-earth.co