Know that people who have been diagnosed with depression or who have attempted suicide in the past have died by suicide. Know that those who have been seeing a counsellor and taking various medications have also taken their lives. So for those of you who did not know your child was suffering, know that even if you did, you may not have been able to prevent the tragedy.

On the other hand, there are those who have attempted suicide once, twice, or more times that have never attempted it again and live seemingly happy, normal lives (although often aided by medication and/or counselling).

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You must experience the journey in a way that gives you the peace of mind and therapy you require and he or she must do the same. That journey will be completely different for each of you and more often than not, may seem at odds with one another.

For me, it was something as simple as allowing myself to take the time to do something that I loved but rarely did, like attend live soccer matches or watch my favourite teams play on television. I embraced a passion I had my entire life but rarely allowed myself the time to enjoy. That was just a few hours each week but it made a difference.

Within 6 months my wife and I took an unplanned quiet vacation to Jamaica, again, in order to take a breather from everyone and everything. Some thought it odd that we could vacation while mourning our son but it was a necessary kindness we afforded ourselves that helped us along our journey.

My wife and I have experienced our grief differently, yet there is one thing we will agree to: Joining a support group of peers who have experienced the loss of a family member to suicide was one of the best things we could have done.

Your not angry at him, your angry at you. I would encourage you to explore how you feel about yourself as a mother. Start there, and in the back of your mind understand that nothing you could have done would have changed this outcome. It sad and tragic and I feel for you.

Please be strong all!

I did not lose a child but a living brother I helped him for a year 1/2 after he was diagnosed with obsessive rumination disorder & the night he needed me the most he called me at midnight & yelled at him cause I was burnt out & frustrated that was the ok set time I spoke to him

Gail, I am so sad to read your continuous losses. I find strength within your sharing from my recent losses and appreciate you bearing your sadness in this portal. May you find comfort in the simple tasks of life.

My 32 year old daughter committed suicide on Monday, November 30, 2020. She was normal healthy intelligent beautiful girl, masters degree in psychotherapy and yoga therapy and a yoga teacher. Her life was full of love and joy until she started getting some weird ideas about two years ago.

She had a nice condo of her own and a car and stopped taking care of those things. She asked someone to go to her place while during one psychiatric hospitalized to get her slippers and get her drugs to kill herself, and this person broke into her condo and stole her credit cards, social security card, cellphone and car, and knocked the front door down. She no longer even cared.

After that CAT Scan she had 14 hospitalizations for these physical pains often resulting in being transferred to mental institutions where she refused medication and had to be released after 3 to 5 days. She hung herself in her mothers house and her mother rescued her and she was transferred to another institution. Then her mother sent her to a Christian rehab center in Florida where she refused to cooperate. She took a Tylenol overdose and had near liver failure after she was back from that rehab..

I keep asking myself, where did I go wrong? Should I have done something differently? How did I not recognize it enough? (and I am a medical doctor!) Her mom and I are divorced and her mom often did not fill me in on details. My daughter often refused to allow the doctors to talk to me and sometimes not to her mom, and she would switch back and forth between me and her mom in giving permission to talk to the doctors and staff. Sometimes her mother would get her released from the hospital after three or four days and sometimes her mom would not. I am sometimes angry at her mom, and sometimes angry at myself.

The last three weeks there was a good Samaritan fellow she met on Facebook who drove six hours to stay with her to take care of her: shopping and cooking meals. He was about to leave to go back to his family. So I thought there was a possibility something bad could happen, but somehow I never thought it would come to this.

I believe the article above is very insightful and I would recommend reading it several times to really internalise the points the writer makes. I wish I had had this advice many years ago. I also believe that getting as much professional support as you can for as long as you can will help your spirit. There are internet support groups; you may find one that suits you. Sharing can be cathartic and help you to feel less isolated in your grief. There are real life support groups if you are fortunate enough to find one close to you. At the moment, depending where you are, these may be held online. Or you might consider later on establishing a support group yourself. Friends and family who are able to understand and support you are to be treasured.

Believe in the name of god YHWH. Go and see and do everything you love, madly crazily. Like seeing movies, eating anything you love, ride bikes, talking madly with people you love. Feel life like you are billionarie. In only few days you will become normal. Do it if again you are in depression or suicidal.

As terrible as that day was, we go into shock. It protects us to some degree. This October was the one year anniversary that pushed me beyond my breaking point. Especially the night before. The night, if I had known she was gathering pills to kill herself, I could have stopped her. I cried every day. I screamed at people in stores. I have made it through so much loss in my life, and I know I am incredibly strong, but this was as close as I have come to something I really could not bear. She was 19, smart, beautiful, with high hopes and a bright future, and she was pushed beyond what she could bear by the child molester across the street who had been trying to get at her since she was 14. He finally lured her in and destroyed her. Seeing him walking around free, it is salt in the wound. He is the target of my rage. Waiting for karma is exhausting.

Do you have a message stirring inside of you to speak, write, or reach people through your social media platforms? If the Lord spoke it to your heart, my team and I want to help you find your way forward at She Speaks 2024 happening in person and online July 19-20, 2024.

I can delight in hope that this is my year to change. I can discover reasons to appreciate my body and find softer ways for my thoughts to land. I can recognize the beauty of discipline and crave the intimacy with God it unleashes. I can rest assured though the journey will be hard, I will be held.

That was a great prayer. You are quite gifted with words. I wish I could capture all my thoughts like that in a coherent manner. Sadly my prayer journal is never filled, just my head with lots of jumbled thoughts. I am thankful that God can understand that too, but admire your gift.

Happy New Year

THANK YOU!! This is the exact prayer I need to be praying right now. After having 3 babies now all 5 and under I am exhausted at all times and desperate for more of Him. I love to workout and eat right but have found it sooo hard to find the time. I have been wanting to read your book for awhile now and know that praying for God to unsettle me is right where I am. Praying this year for victory.

Lysa, thank you so much for the words of encouragement, they were definitely what I needed to hear. My justification always is God loves me know matter what, which is true but I need to be healthy for myself and my loved ones. Praying for a new year with new hope.

What a beautiful prayer. My prayer this year is for me to keep wanting to change and to remember to turn to the Lord first instead of anger, yelling, and discontent. I always have good intentions and quickly fail in the moment. I need to stop trying to muscle it myself.

Thank YOU!! so much for that pray, I really need it at this time, i feel the same way, not knowing what to do or what way to turn. I have been struggling with my weight for sometime now, and that pray will help me make it through that and other issues going on in my life. So god bless you, you are an Angel.

I was so encouraged by this article, and the prayer was the answer to my prayer this year, and everything l am going through, and need to do. Thank you Lysa. This was confirmation. You have changed my life today! This spoke to me where nothing else has.

Thank you for such a beautiful reminder for us to never settle. My prayer for 2015 is that I would finally surrender completely to Jesus and relinquish my will to His so that I may trust fully in all that God is doing in my heart & in my life.

My prayer for 2015 is for me to be authentic to myself. As a Mom, worker, friend and child of God. To be comfortable with my choices not pressured out of my convictions. Thank you for all that you do and the Proverbs31 ministry. I gain so much strength and insight. It is a valuable resource to me.

I need to be unsettled. I need a God encounter that will change my life and the world of my family around. I am lost on many levels and need Him more than the words I write can reveal. Dear Lord, hear my cry and petition for my family and soul.

I love the way you can touch me with your words.

My prayer for this new year is keep God with me every step of the way. Whether it be to lose weight or to be a better wife/mom or just be Jesus to everyone I meet! We all share a loving Heavenly Father and I pray the whole world can know the warm comfort that his love is for us! 152ee80cbc

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