
The Threefold Struggle: Pursuing Ecological, Social, and Personal Wellbeing in the Spirit of Daniel Quinn
A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism
The Deliberative Impulse: Motivating Discourse in Divided Societies


The Threefold Struggle: Pursuing Ecological, Social, and Personal Wellbeing in the Spirit of Daniel Quinn (Albany: SUNY Press, 2022).

A Critique of the Moral Defense of Vegetarianism (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2016). Reviewed in Environmental Ethics (Kathie Jenni), Philosophy in Review (Patrick Clipsham), Process Studies (Brian G. Henning), Metapsychology (Ben Mulvey), and Humanities Commons (Paul Bali).

The Deliberative Impulse: Motivating Discourse in Divided Societies (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011). Reviewed in Journal of Moral Philosophy (Mark Rondel).

 Peer-Reviewed Articles 

“Climate Crisis as Relational Crisis: Centering Indigenous Feminist Conceptions of Responsibility in Environmental Discourse,” Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 10(1-2) (2024); co-authored with Shelbi Nahwilet Meissner.

“Indigenous Pedagogies for Burned-Out Students on a Burned-Out Planet,” APA Studies on Native American and Indigenous Philosophy 22(2) (2023).

“An Ecological Conception of Personhood,” Environmental Ethics 45(1) (2023).

“Decolonizing Allyship and Settler Support for Indigenous Climate Justice: A Note of Thanks to Andrea Sullivan-Clarke,” Hypatia; 38(2) (2023).

“Surviving Sustainability: Degrowth, Environmental Justice, and Support for the Chronically Ill,” Journal of Philosophy of Disability 1(1) (2021).

“Symbioculture: A Kinship-Based Conception of Sustainable Food Systems,” Environmental Philosophy 18(2) (2021).

“From Victims to Survivors? Struggling to Live Ecoconsciously in an Ecocidal Culture,” Environmental Philosophy 14(2) (2017).

“Food Deserts, Capabilities, and the Rectification of Democratic Failure,” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 17(2) (2016). 

“Political Deliberation and the Challenge of Bounded Rationality,” Politics, Philosophy & Economics 13(3) (2014).

“Solidarity as Public Morality: Reconstructing Rorty’s Case for the Social Value of the Philosopher,” Contemporary Pragmatism 11(1) (2014).

“Religion in the Public Sphere: Incentivizing Reciprocal Deliberative Engagement,” Philosophy & Social Criticism 40(6) (2014).

“In Defense of Homelessness,” Journal of Value Inquiry 48(1) (2014).

“Talisse’s Epistemic Justification of Democracy Revisited” Contemporary Pragmatism 10(1) (2013).

“Secularity and Biblical Literalism: Confronting the Case for Epistemological Diversity,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 71(3) (2012). 

“On the Epistemic Incentives to Deliberate Publicly,” Journal of Social Philosophy 41(4) (2010).

“Truth, Negation, and the Limit of Inquiry: Revisiting the Problem of Buried Secrets,” Southwest Philosophy Review25(2) (2009).

“Communication and Conviction: A Jamesian Contribution to Deliberative Democracy,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 21(4) (2007).

“Closer But Still No Cigar: On the Inadequacy of Rawls’s Reply to Okin’s “Political Liberalism, Justice, and Gender,” Social Theory and Practice 30(1) (2004). 

“William James and the Politics of Moral Conflict,” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40(1) (2004).

“Semantic Externalism, Authoritative Self-Knowledge, and Adaptation to Slow Switching,” Acta Analytica 18(1) (2003).


Book Chapters

“Intended and Unintended Successes,” in The Ethics of Homelessness: Philosophical Perspectives, 2e, ed. G. John M. Abbarno and Naomi Zack (Leiden, NL: Brill Rodopi, 2020). 

“Attention Deficit, Yes, But Not Democracy: Reply to Berger,” in Civic Virtues, Divided Societies, and Democratic Dilemmas, ed. Jeffrey Gautier (Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2013).

“Closer But Still No Cigar: On the Inadequacy of Rawls’s Reply to Okin’s “Political Liberalism, Justice, and Gender,” reprinted in Feminists Contest Politics and Philosophy, ed. Lisa N. Gurley, Claudia Leeb, and Anna A. Moser (New York: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2005).

“Pluralism and Political Legitimacy: Toward a Perfectionist Defense of Deliberative Democracy,” in Environmental Philosophy as Social Philosophy, ed. Cheryl Hughes and Andrew Light (Charlottesville, VA: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2004). 


Encyclopedia Entries and Proceedings

“Plant Sentience,” in Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 2e, ed. Paul B. Thompson and David M. Kaplan (Dordrecht, NL: Springer, 2019).

“The Civil War,” Encyclopedia of American Philosophy, ed. John Lachs and Robert B. Talisse (New York: Routledge, 2007).

“Whose Politics? Which Pragmatism?” in Pragmatism in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Graduate Student Philosophy Conference (New York: New School, 2003). 

Translated Articles (from German)

Birgit Christensen, “Equality and Justice: Remarks on a Necessary Relationship,” Hypatia, 20(2) (2005). 

Sabine Gürtler, “The Ethical Dimension of Labor: A Feminist Perspective,” Hypatia 20(2) (2005). 

Book Reviews

Kyle T. Mays, Hip Hop Beats, Indigenous Rhymes: Modernity and Hip Hop in Indigenous North America (review), American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Native American and Indigenous Philosophy 18(1) (2018).

Michael Marder, The Philosopher’s Plant: An Intellectual Herbarium (review), Environmental Philosophy 12(2) (2015).

Robert B. Talisse, Pluralism and Liberal Politics (review), Journal of Moral Philosophy 11(3) (2014).

Andrew J, Pierce, Collective Identity, Oppression, and the Right to Self-Ascription (review), Notre Dame Philosophy Review (16 September 2012).

“Epistemic Responsibility and Democratic Justification,” (review of Robert B. Talisse, Democracy and Moral Conflict), Res Publica 17(3) (2011).

J. Caleb Clanton, Religion and Democratic Citizenship (review), Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 45(3) (2009).