The IdabiLaBantu project is an initiative of the Africanists, a revolutionary African Nationalist collective, which seeks to provide a voice for the African oppressed peoples of Africa and the diaspora. The Africanists are aimed at inspiring continental and diasporic conversations on matters relating to the future of Africa and her people. We hope Africanists from all walks of life will take the opportunity to advance and develop the ideology of African Nationalism, forged out Africa's collective struggle against imperialism and settler nationalism, advancing the ideas of Africa's liberation leaders towards a united states of Africa. Our collective struggle is characterized by the ever growing consciousness of Africa's people and their collective strive towards the return of Africa's land, culture, and character. Africa for Africans, Izwe Lethu! .


The IdabiLaBantu project is led by a small editorial team dedicated at producing news which uplift and shape the well-being of the African people's consciousness

Putting Africa first

Meet the team

Thand' Olwethu Dlanga


Simthandile, Azania, Tyhali

Athabile Nonxuba

Join the team

The time to build African nationalism is Now. Join the Azanian ship that shall liberate Azania from the shackles of Azania