
The Africanists Stand with Jackie Shandu

The Africanists condemn the continued incarceration of Jackie Shandu, the convenor of the Justice for Phoenix Massacre Victims movement. As the Africanists, we view the continued incarceration of Shandu as nothing, but the states attempt to frustrate justice and comrade Shandu. Shandu handed himself over to the police with his lawyers and there is no reason, whatsoever, that by the time of appearing in court the state had not yet verified his address. This tactic is not new. The state has used the same tactic in frustrating students during the #FeesMustFall protests. It is a tactic meant to delay justice and frustrate those at the receiving end of this high level of state incompetence.

It is our view as the Africanists, that Shandu is being arrested for his brave act of defending African people against the senseless killing they suffered under the Indian minority group of South Africa, that are in the African soil as a result of indentured labour system of the colonial era. It is a fact of history that there are Settlers in South Africa. These Settlers arrived in the African soil and dispossessed the African people of their land through the unjust wars of colonisation. This act was a declaration of war against the African people. A war that is still continuing to this day in occupied Azania. As such the call “One Settler, One Bullet” is not only a politically correct call but an ethical one as a defence of the conquered African people.

It is a fact that the usurped land under the unjust wars of colonisation have not yet been restored to its rightful owners, the African people. Therefore, as the Africanists, we view Shandu’s act as a continuation of the struggle waged by our heroes, Shaka Zulu, Hintsa, Moshoeshoe and Sekhukhune. The conquered African people are in a state of war, their enemy, as it has always been, remains the Settler minority that conquered their land through the unjust wars of colonialism.

What happened in Phoenix is testament to the fact that the African people are still under attack from foreign nations in the land of their forefathers. The killing of the Africans in Phoenix proves once more what Frank Wildernson characterised as a global consensus “that Africa is the location of sentient beings who are outside of the global community, who are socially dead”. Africans are available for hunting like wild animals because they do not belong in the global community of human beings.

As the Africanists, we firmly believe in the unity of the oppressed people of the world. However, that unity must not be at the expense of the African people. The Indian community was given an olive branch by the black consciousness movement, and as a community have spit in the face of the African people after being extended the olive branch to be one people united against colonialism. As a community the Indian people in South Africa have failed to heed the call by the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania that they must find new leadership outside of the reactionary merchant class that is Anti-African, the same class that would betray the Indian masses at anytime for its own self interests. They, as a community, have yet to identify themselves with the majority of the people in Azania, the African people, who are the rightful owners of this land. Yet they continue to benefit highly from government tenders that are meant for BEE. The Black Industrialist Program report for 2021 shows that more than 75% of the beneficiaries of the Black Industrialist program of the Department of Trade and Industry are Indian males.

The level of Indian superiority against African people must be called out and not be swept under the carpet in the guise of the unity of the oppressed. As the Africanists, we firmly believe in the Bandung spirit, but refuse that it must be achieved at the expense of the African people.

We call on the Indian community to collectively changed their ways before the African people in Occupied Azania take an Idi Amin posture towards them.


Issued by

The Africanists