Photo Credits - 2021

  • African American Museum & Library at Oakland

  • Berkeley Architectural Heritage Association – Fran Capelletti

  • The Berkeley Historical Society

  • The Berkeley Public Library

  • Berkeleyside

  • Internet Archive

  • Robin Claire Barnes

  • Dolores Cooper

  • Loni Hancock

  • Rosa Higgs

  • Raymond Holbert

  • Carole Kennerly

  • Val O’Neal Walter

  • Tina Jones Williams

  • Community members who contributed for the 2022 exhibition

Acknowledgments/ Special Thanks

  • Mayor Eugene “Gus” Newport

  • Vice Mayor Carole Kennerly

  • Zach Franklin - South Berkeley Legacy Project

  • Senator Loni Hancock

  • Rosa Higgs

  • Bill “BJ” Jennings

  • Martin Snapp

UPCOMING - Year 3 – 2022

African Americans in Berkeley: Arts, Entertainment, Literature, Sports will present the African American community experience and contributions in these areas during the years 1940 – 2010. There are a number of Black Berkeleyans who have made contributions to all of these fields locally, nationally, and internationally. These figures include the artist Mildred Howard, the musician Joshua Redman, and athletes Don Barksdale, Glen Burke, and Steve Odom. Please join us!