Upcoming events
Weekly engagements
Every Thursday
We would like to invite you to join a series of short weekly engagement sessions where we will be developing outreach and communication strategies for our shared positions in the lead up to and during COP26.
The purpose of these weekly voluntary engagements is to continue our collaboration and discussions on key themes, engage with you on recent COP26 news items and to maintain the momentum from our previous sessions.
The agenda and theme will be decided on a weekly basis based on priorities of the week (pre-COP, during COP and post-COP). Prior to the sessions, you are invited to inform the team of matters you would like to discuss, and we will design these engagement as co-creation sessions.
Recent events
Stakeholders Training
Tuesday 19th October 2021 | 11:00 – 16:00
We held an online training workshop on shared positions, useful UNFCCC and COP 26 information. We shared materials to support your engagements on the update of Nationally Determined Contributions in 2021, and guidance and methods for stakeholders on public climate change communication.
The training will be organised based around four themes identified by the stakeholders in the introductory workshops:
1. Access to finance;
2. Climate adaptation;
3. Inclusive climate action; and
4. Influence strategy and the UNFCCC machine.
The training will be conducted in both English and French, and live translation will be available to ensure everyone can listen and participate.
Introductory workshops
September 2021
OneWorld hosted two workshops as part of the project strengthening the participation of African non-party stakeholders in the UNFCCC process in mid-September. The first of these, held on 16 September 2021, was hosted in English and the second, held on 15 September 2021, was hosted in French. Facilitated by Dr. Marie Parramon Gurney, these workshops served as an introduction to the project, the project team, its intent, planned outputs and outcomes, as well as processes and planning.
The workshops were an opportunity to open a dialogue with 50 stakeholders representing 18 countries regarding the key priorities for the COP 26 negotiations and to establish what success at COP 26 would look like in an African context. Several priorities emerged from the workshop, with progress on climate finance and inclusive climate action emerging as priorities from stakeholders.