Bariatric Walking Aids

Heavy-Duty Mobility Scooters and Wheelchairs: Perfect Examples of Bariatric Walking Aids

Around the globe, obesity is the major health issue amongst people of all age groups. Due to obesity, people experience different kinds of health problems including mobility. A bariatric child faces a lot of problem in travelling long distance and the situation worsens with the increasing age. Sensing the fact, bariatric equipment are introduced in the market so that bariatric people can lead a quality life. The equipment ensures easy and comfortable movement of obese people from one place to another. These equipment are also known as bariatric walking aids and further categorized into two categories:

Bariatric Seating: WheelChairs with a reclining back are important for obese people, who spend quality time while seating. The back of these wheelchairs are tilted to different angles so that users can sit and even sleep comfortably. The wheelchairs often support swing away and foldable armrests. Bariatric wheelchairs come in both manual and electric version. If a person wants to lead an independent lifestyle, he should opt for power-operated bariatric walking aid.

Bariatric Mobility Scooters: Heavy-duty mobility scooters are capable of holding weight up to 500 lbs and cover a long distance in a single charge. These scooters feature advanced technology and equipped with extra safety and comfortable features like extra leg room space, padded seat with a high backrest, etc. Pride Mobility and Golden Technologies are two brands offering different styles of mobility scooters for the end users.

Knee Scooters: Another good bariatric walking aid option is knee scooter. Considered as an alternative to crutch, the scooter allows a person to move freely inside a home by keeping an injured leg on the elevated platform. These scooters need to self-propel by a user. For bariatric users, knee scooters with heavier frame are considered as ideal to purchase.

So, if you are looking for the best quality of bariatric walking aids at affordable price ranges, look for online suppliers. Online suppliers offer different kinds of walking aids in different styles and different price range. If a person picks the model online, the supplier gives assurance of fast doorstep delivery.