Bariatric Manual Wheelchairs

Bariatric Manual Wheelchairs: Most Economical Option for Limited Mobility People

Wheelchairs are straight-back mobility chairs mounted with a locking mechanism and coupled with wheels. The medical wheelchairs are used for transporting an injured, an ill-person or a limited mobility person from one place to another. These wheelchairs are regarded as a durable medical equipment and are optimized to transport a limited mobility person safely with a greater degree of independence. The manually operated wheelchairs are available at lower price ranges as compared to battery-powered wheelchairs. Bariatric manual wheelchairs are designed specifically to meet the demands of bariatric users.

When to Purchase Bariatric Manual Wheelchairs?

As manual wheelchairs need to self-propel by a rider himself, therefore these chairs are ideal for those people who have good upper body strength. The frame and seats are two factors that differentiate between a standard manual wheelchair and a bariatric wheelchair. The latter is heavy-duty wheelchairs as they can accommodate weight up to 600 lbs adequately due to sturdier framer and wider seats. So, a bariatric user with a limited mobility but good upper body strength can be considered as a good candidate for bariatric manual wheelchairs

Many manual wheelchairs come with a reclining design and these chairs are known as reclining back wheelchairs. These wheelchairs act like a recliner as the back of these wheelchairs tilt back to a certain angle. These chairs come with or without cushions and a great option for those who have shoulder or back pain and spend considerable time on these chairs. Similarly, if any person enjoys taking power nap on the chairs or suffering spinal cord injury, reclining back wheelchairs act as a breather for them.

Other important categories of manual wheelchairs are lightweight chairs, hemi-height, sports and pediatric wheelchairs. All these wheelchairs have unique features with an option of customization. Needless to mention, a wheelchair with basic features is affordable as compared to a chair with advanced safety features.

No need to lose hope if you find the prices of bariatric manual wheelchairs extremely high. There are many companies that offer every design and style of wheelchairs on a rental basis including reclining back wheelchairs. Simply, search for them, browse their websites, take a look at a wheelchair’s collection and choose the one which meets your requirements.

Bariatric Manual Wheelchairs