Músicas Tradicionais

Nozesyvozes - Grupo Musical de Richos

Fado do Ribatejo - João Chora

Grupo de cantares - As Camponesas de Riachos

Functional music associated with the hard work of the field, existing only as a memory in its original context, represents a way of life of a people. They are songs that accompanied the daily work in the countryside, from the most genuine roots of the people. These songs are passed from generation to generation orally and by the mouths of women.

Cantares Tradicionais Música funcional associada ao trabalho duro do campo, existindo apenas como uma memória no seu contexto original, representa um modo de vida de um povo. São canções que acompanhavam o trabalho diário no campo, das raízes mais genuínas do povo. Estas canções são passadas de geração em geração oralmente e pela boca das mulheres.

"It does not help my heart"

In the meantime,

Come here that I do not go,

Come here and I will not go.

Come here that I do not go,

Come here and I will not go.

Ai, ai, ai, it does not help my heart,

I have loved him who has left me.

Ai, ai, ai, it does not help my heart,

I have loved him who has left me.

The one who steals me, the one who robs me, the one who steals me is a thief.

The one who steals me, the one who robs me, the one who steals me is a thief.

Ai, ai, ai, yesterday have stolen me,

Ai, ai, ai, while walking in the mountain of Marão.

Ai, ai, ai, yesterday have stolen me,

Ai, ai, ai, while walking in the mountain of Marão.

In the small towers of Marão, look at the towers I made.

In the small towers of Marão, look at the towers I made.

Ai, ai, ai, I risked my life

Ai, ai, ai, to marry you.

Ai, ai, ai, I risked my life,

Ai, ai, ai to marry me with you.

To marry you, to offer you my heart.

To marry you, to offer you my Heart.

Ai, ai, ai, yesterday have stolen me,

Ai, ai, ai, while walking in the mountain of Marão.

Ai, ai, ai, yesterday have stolen me,

Ai, ai, ai, while walking in the mountain of Marão.