

Welcome Back!

Whether you graduated a few years ago or a few decades ago, you are always a sister of AEPhi Nu Chapter! 

A chapter is not strong just because of its active members, but also because of its alumnae. To keep this chapter strong, we would love to give alumnae the opportunity to keep being a part of Nu, whether that is through our newsletter, What's Nu?, scheduling tours to show off your old home to family and friends, or even through donating to our philanthropies and chapter! 

If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter or make a donation, then click the links below! If you have any other questions or want to get more involved, contact our Alumnae Relations Chair, Lily Cohen, via the Contact Us tab!

Join the Alumnae Newsletter!

Interested in keeping up with the current events of Nu Chapter? If so, subscribe to our Alumnae newsletter, What's Nu?, by clicking the button below!

Make a Donation

If you are interested in making a donation to the Nu Chapter, fill out the form below and address it to our VP of Finance, Isabelle Layding!

Keep Up with Us in Real Time!

Follow us on our socials!
