Our Services

Wellness Examinations

Your pet can benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations or checkups. Whether your pet is a youngster, a senior citizen, or any age in between, wellness examinations provide an excellent opportunity for us to conduct a thorough physical examination and develop a health profile for your pet. A wellness examination includes an evaluation of all of your pet's major organ systems. We'll use the wellness visit to ask you questions about your pet's life style and discuss any routine diagnostic testing that may benefit your pet or to recommend any vaccinations that may be due. We strive to help you understand your pet's health considerations, and we encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet's health care.


We specialize in the treatment of behavior disorders in companion animals. Theses include anxiety disorders, elimination problems, compulsive behaviors, and numerous other problems in dogs and cats. We also help clients with behavior concerns and prevention, such as preparing your pet for a new baby, socializing your new puppy, and adding a new pet to your household.

Blood Transfusion

Blood transfusion have many uses and can be critical, lifesaving procedures. Our transfusion service allows us to provide blood and blood products for veterinary patients' medical, surgical, or emergency needs.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive way to speed healing in your companion for both chronic and acute conditions. The treatment works by using light to penetrate into the deep tissues. It only works on tissue that has been damaged. The light triggers the production of energy in the cells, helping them to repair and heal. The procedure only takes minutes, and can be a pivotal way to help your pet return to normal activity rapidly. The treatment time, and the number of sessions needed will depend on the specifics for your dog or cat. Cold laser therapy is used to treat multiple aliments and injuries in dogs and cats. Treatable conditions include: Joint injuries, ligament or tendon injuries, fractures, muscle sprains or strains, skin lesions or abrasions, post-trauma wounds, post-surgical incisions, arthritis, musculoskeletal diseases, and nerve injury.

Dental Care

Dental disease is by far the most common major health problem of cats and dogs. Despite its name, dental disease does not merely affect the teeth and mouth. Dental disease impacts the entire body, with serious consequences for health, longevity, and well-being.

Regular professional cleaning is important to maintaining your pets teeth. We use modern and safe ultrasound equipment to clean each tooth thoroughly above and below the gum line.

Emergency and Critical Care

At Advance Vet Care we are equip to handle emergency situations any time our clinic is open. We are committed to the health and welfare of all the pets that come in. Emergencies can include car accidents, poisoning, lacerations and sudden illness. For after hour emergencies, we work closely with a 24-hour emergency hospital that accommodates pets in the area.

Hospice and Euthanasia Services

Saying good-bye to a beloved pet is one of the most difficult situations a pet owner will ever encounter, but trying to decide when it is time to say good-bye can be even more difficult. Our staff of compassionate, caring professionals can help you through this painful experience. We also offer numerous cremation services.


Pets today can live longer, healthier lives than ever before--in part because of vaccines that help protect them from deadly infectious diseases. Our doctors and staff members are well-educated about veterinary vaccines, and our goal is to give you the best advice for keeping your pet healthy. Let us develop a vaccination schedule and ongoing booster routine that accounts for your pet's lifestyle, overall health, risk for exposure to infectious disease, and other factors.

Internal Medicine

We cover all areas of internal medicine including: Ophthalmology, cardiology, dermatology, orthopedic surgery, neurology, oncology, gastroenterology, and endocrinology.

In House Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory

We have complete laboratory. Most procedures can be performed in-house and for those specialized tests, we have a network of reference laboratories.

Medicated Bathes

Medicated bathes can help ease many skin conditions in your pets.


We can provide your pet with a safe, simple form of identification that can significantly increase the chance that your pet will return safely. Unlike collars and identification tags, microchips are reliable and can't get lost, stolen, or damaged.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition plays a critical role in your pet's overall health and well-being. We provide counseling in dietary selection and feeding practices for pets during various life stages. Our staff can help you select the appropriate diet to suit your pet's needs.

Pain Management

Veterinary patients feel pain and discomfort under the same circumstances as people do. We know that recognizing and alleviating pain in animals is the essence of good patient care.

Parasite Control

Parasites can cause serious illness and even death in pets. You may not always be able to tell if your pet has parasites. Parasite testing is an important way to protect your pet's health. Our knowledgeable staff will provide you with a comprehensive parasite control plan. Parasites are not just a nuisance. They can carry serious diseases that affect your pet's overall health and longevity. Let us help protect your pet!

Fully Stocked Pharmacy

Whether your pet requires medications for a chronic medical condition or short term medication while recovering from illness, injury, or surgical procedure, our full stocked pharmacy makes it convenient for you take home your pet's medication at the time of your visit.


This is a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine that can help us make a correct diagnosis of your pet. We have the latest digital radiograph equipment that help our veterinarians to evaluate muscular-skeletal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reproductive and urinary systems.


We are pleased to provide a wide range of surgical services for our patients. From routine surgery procedures, such as spaying and neutering, to more complex surgeries, such as orthopedic surgeries. Our staff is highly skilled in performing veterinary surgeries and will make every effort to ensure that your pet receives the very best care. We look forward to the opportunity to care for your pet's surgery needs.