Dr Ashley Carey

Dr. Ashley Carey is a low country Native. She graduated from Clemson University in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Veterinary Science. She attended St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated with honors (Cum Laude) in 2014.  She has been in small animal general practice for 9 years. She is passionate about preventative care. Her special interests are dermatology, dentistry, quality client education and strengthening the human animal bond. Dr. Carey has a husband and 3 children. Thomas (9), Sam (7) and Abigail (1 ½). She has 2 cats: Popeye and Chubsy as well as a long-haired Chihuahua named Ricky. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with the family, watching Clemson football games, and enjoying her family’s farm. 

Dr Kymberly Newman

Dr Newman has worked in the Myrtle Beach area for over 20 years. Even though she is often referred to as "the Cat Doctor" she enjoys working with dogs as well. She is originally from upstate Virginia and went to vet school at UGA in Athens, GA. She loves looking for shells and shark teeth at the beach, traveling with family and motorcycle riding. She has 3 cats - Velcro, Howler and Kyuree.

Dr Richard Hammett

Halloween 2022

Having a blast together with Dr Rick as a new part of the team!