Chapter 11 - Successful Delivery

As winter approaches things get hectic. Production of presents are at an all-time high and flying practice continues whenever the weather permits. The first snow is on the ground and the reindeer team with Rudolf in front find it easier to take off and land.

They can now cover enormous distances with little effort and in short time spans. Things are looking good for the Big Night.

Although they have to deliver to Scandinavia on 24th, England and the USA can wait until 25th in the morning. Ukraine and Spain for example does not have to be delivered until 5th of January which is Epiphany in Spain and the Orthodox Christmas in Ukraine.

The Helpers have been busy constructing another 5 sleighs and have trained 5 teams of 6 reindeers.

The idea is that while Rudolf is out delivering, the other sleighs will be made ready, filled with gift wrapped packages. Then on his return the helpers will harness him to the next sleigh and off they go again.

Good idea, but will Rudolf be able to keep up this hectic schedule? 

How can the other reindeers be made to fly like Rudolf? Can his red nose be moved to one of them to relieve the burden? 

As it turns out, some reindeers have a predefined genetic Red Nose which is exposed by the digging for food in the cold snow.

Rudolf, being a kind compassionate reindeer sees a kindred spirit in Santa's closest reindeers: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder and Blixem. When he is not busy practising, he meets with his fellow reindeers and as the custom among animals. they rub noses to establish kinship.

The magic rubs off and we now have 5 teams ready to deliver presents across the known world.

Santa can not be in all the sleighs at the same time, so his helpers band together to look as bulky as him and do the rides.

So the dark cold season was a success, spreading joy and happiness among the children of the world.

Santa, his Helpers, the reindeers and Gammelnok relax a little, while the success of the past few hectic weeks seeps in.

A few decades goes past and low and behold, Gammelnok is bored again.

He asks Santa a favour...

Santas workshop during lunch break

Santa's workshop during lunch break

Santa and a reindeer relaxing in the snow

Santa and a reindeer relaxing in the snow

Child looking grateful as Santa rides on

Child looking grateful as Santa rides on