Chapter 10 - Taking to the sky

The story of Gammelnok and the Bearded Giant Man, now known as Santa Claus continues...


"OK" said Gammelnok, "we now have about half a year to get our stuff working before delivery day. How are we going to do it? What resources have you got? You mentioned reindeers when I was abducted. What else is there?"

"Well, there is the sleigh we used in previous years, but that would only work for local deliveries where there is plenty of snow. This year it look like we have to go to warmer climates as well and that is going to be impossible with a sleigh drawn by even the most willing reindeers" replied Santa.

Gammelnok in deep thoughts mumbles to himself "Donner und Blitzen" and thinks to himself: help me out here, Mother, what do we do? Fumbling in his Haversack he does not notice that two reindeer have entered the cave. They move up to Santa Claus and nudge him gently with their lowered heads.

"You called, Master" says one of them, which to Gammelnok sounds a lot like GammelDansk.

"No I did not, Dunder" replied Santa. "I think it was that little gremlin there muttering strange words to himself. But while you are here, Blixem, could you please fetch Rudolf, thank you".

While rummaging through his Haversack, Gammelnok comes across what looks like a large tennis ball cut in half and glowing bright red.

At that moment, Rudolf enters the cave and being his usual clumsy self, collides with Gammelnok, gets his nose into the glowing red half ball and it sticks. 

Sitting on his haunches, Rudolf makes a great effort to get up and finds himself banging into the cave ceiling, then crashing down, stunned and confused.

It takes awhile for anyone to comprehend what just happened. Rudolf stunned on the floor with his new red nose glowing brightly. Gammelnok blessing his dear mother for yet again providing a solution to an impossible problem and Santa just sitting there looking amazed.

What just happened was that Rudolf appeared to be able to lift himself off the ground. Something to do with his newly acquired red nose made that possible.

Gammelnok was quick to see the potentials and grabbed the giant by his hand which was hanging low towards the ground where he was sitting.

"Say we can get Rudolf and some other reindeers in front of the sleigh, maybe we can lift it off the ground with Rudolf's new powers." Gammelnok was getting quite exited and ushered everybody towards the rear entrance of the great cave where the sleigh was kept during summer months.

With the help of Santa's helpers, they managed to put harnesses onto six reindeers with Rudolf in front.

Santa crawled into the sleigh to give it the weight it would normally have for the Yule run.

All the helpers were now lined up, ready to cheer their hearts out.

"OK then, lets do it!" exclaimed Gammelnok and Santa in unison.

The reindeers pulled and pulled, but to no avail. Without snow, the sleigh was too heavy and would not budge.

Big disappointment among the Helpers as nothing happened.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Gammelnok spotted the huge pile of firewood logs that were ready for the winter season.

An idea formed and soon round logs were placed in front of the sleigh. The sleigh was then pulled forward onto the first log.

As the angle seemed right for take-off, Santa shouted "Ho-ho" and Rudolf and his team pulled as hard as they could.

They were air born and did a victory round in the sky above the cave. The Helpers cheered and waved excitedly.

Needless to say the landing was abrupt and difficult as there were no logs to ease the touchdown. Badly shaken but unhurt the experiment had gone well and above expectations.

Rudolf with his red nose

Rudolf with his red nose

Principle of moving heavy objects

Principle of moving heavy objects


Silhouette of first take-off