Rasch Analysis

Rasch Modelling

The Rasch model is a psychometric model for analyzing categorical data, such as answers to questions on a reading assessment or questionnaire responses.

It is a function of the trade-off between the respondent's abilities, attitudes or personality traits and the item difficulty.

Although Rasch modeling is a difficult concept to most students, AsterWrite makes Rasch Modeling readily accessible.

Students can import questions from an Excel file.

Data can be imported into AsterWrite and relevant analysis is done automatically. Clear results are output.

The responses from the questionnaire can also be input from an Excel file.

AsterWrite rearranges the data according to the scalogram method.

AsterWrite outputs the Person Results or Item Results very clearly.

Notice how AsterWrite suggests the Fitnesses of the Persons or Items.

All pertinent outputs are produced automatically.

Shown here is the Category probability and the Cumulative probability.

Thus, a researcher can use AsterWrite very easily at all stages of the Rasch Model analysis.

Once the data is input, the researcher is presented with very graphical solutions.

The researcher can quickly make further decisions.