How to Advance Your Career in Professional Services Marketing

About the book

‘How to Advance Your Career in Professional Services Marketing’ takes a deep inside look into how to go from a junior role to a senior role within the world of professional services marketing. Previously, if one wanted to learn how to advance their career within the industry in marketing and career management, they would have to read multiple books and combine the information of their own volition. This book takes two topics and combines them in a way that is easily digestible and applicable to wherever you’re at within your career.

If you are looking to become more intentional about your career development and excel in your career trajectory, this is the book for you. This book acts as a resource and tool guide to help you progress at each stage in your career to obtain promotions, raises, and become the verified expert within your firm and the wider industry. When you’re ready to get serious about your career trajectory, pick up a copy and get started on your future today.

Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats

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I created this book with the help of you and other leading experts worldwide to help others, whether they are just starting their marketing career in the professional services industry, working towards senior roles or a seasoned CMO. I wish I had the book when I started my career over ten years ago.

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