Working Papers

How do we secure our Future? About well-being and welfare state, co-author, 2022, CFA Society Romania, Romanian

Budget Consolidation and Higher Fiscal Revenues - A Vital Need for Romania's Stability and Economic Security, co-author, 2022, Romanian Fiscal Council, Romanian, English

Currency Markets Models. A Romania Case Study Application, Adrian Codirlasu and Adrian Mitroi, Economic computation and economic cybernetics studies and research / Academy of Economic Studies, December 2020 English

The Future of Pension System in Romania Co-author of CFA Society Romania white paper on Romanian pension system, February 2020

Viitorul sistemului de pensii din Romania, Co-author of CFA Society Romania white paper on Romanian pension system, December 2019, Paper and Conference presentations

Mentions in the media:

Piata Valutara 2008 - 2018, Co-Author of the Chapter, included in the AAFBR Book "România după 10 ani Realizări, eşecuri, perspective economice", November 2018, Romanian Presentation Romanian

Re-visiting the Balassa-Samuelson Effect for Romania, article in the AAFBR newsletter No. 7, October 2018

New Global Market Infrastructure for Trading Derivatives Instruments, article in Central Bank Journal of Law and Finance, Year 1, No. 1, 2014, National Bank of Romania

Lending, economic growth and nonperforming loans: empirical evidences from the new EU member states, Bogdan Moinescu and Adrian Codirlasu, 2013, Working Paper, Project "PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054 - Uncertainty, Complexity and Financial Stability",

Analysing dynamics of risk aversion in FX market using the Heston volatility model, Alex Alupoaiei, Adrian Codirlasu and Ana-Maria Sandica, 2011, Working Paper, Project "PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054 - Uncertainty, Complexity and Financial Stability",

Assessing the Sectoral Dynamics of Nonperforming Loans: Singns from Financial and Real Economy, Nov. 2011, Bogdan Moinescu and Adrian Codirlasu, paper defended at the conference "Conceptual Framework of Post-Crisis Economics", Faculty of Economics, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, published in Theoretical and Applied Economics Journal 2/2012 Presentation Romanian Romanian English

Determinants of Households' Overdue Loans in Romania, September 2011, Bogdan Moinescu and Adrian Codirlasu, paper published in "Informatica Economica" Vol. 15, No. 2/2011

Households’ overdue loans: signs from the money and labor markets, Apr. 2011, Bogdan Moinescu and Adrian Codirlasu, paper defended at the Symposium on Financial Stability organized by Romanian-American University, DOFIN, CFA Romania and AAFBR, April 2011, at the Tenth International Conference on Informatics in Economy, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, May 2011 and at CFA Romania Investments Day @ FIAR, May 2011 Presentation English Presentation Romanian

Assessing Credit Discipline of Individuals in Romania, Apr. 2011, Bogdan Moinescu and Adrian Codirlasu, paper defended at the Symposium on Financial Stability organized by Romanian-American Unversity, DOFIN, CFA Romania and AAFBR, April 2011 Presentations English

Hard Landing to Rational Economics. A Lesson Difficult to Learn, May 2010, Adrian Codirlasu and Adrian Mitroi presentation at the CFA Investments Day, at International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum, FIAR 2010, Sinaia, Romania Romanian Presentation in Romanian Presentation in English

The Link between Equilibrium Exchange Rate and Current Account Deficit, Sep. 2008, Alexandru Chidesciuc, Nicolaie and Adrian Codirlasu - paper defended at the National Bank of Romania "Young Economists" research conference, Sep. 2008, Romanian Presentation Romanian

Managing Financial Risks, PhD Thesis defended in Oct. 2007 Summary in Romanian Summary in English Thesis in Romanian Presentation in Romanian Applications in Romanian

Legal Aspects of Banking Lending Operations, Graduation thesis for BA in Law, defendend in Feb. 2006

Using Derivatives for Hedging Credit Risk, paper defended at the Financial Research Session held by the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Nov. 2005 Romanian

Credit Risk Management, Oct., 2005 Romanian

Determinants of Financial Crises and Early Warning Systems, Jun. 2005 Romanian

Exchange Rate Models, Feb. 2005 Romanian

Codirlasu, Adrian, Nicolaie Alexandru Chidesciuc, Estimating the Balassa-Samuelson Effect for Romania - paper defended at the National Bank of Romania "Young Economists" research conference, Sep. 2004, at the Monetary and Financial Research Session held by the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania, Nov. 2004 and at Deutsche Bundesbank Research Conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Feb. 2005 Romanian English

Early Warning Systems for Financial Crises, paper defended at the research session organized by the National Institute of Economic Research of The Romanian Academy in Dec. 2002, and at the Monetary and Financial Research Session organized by the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking in Nov. 2003 Romanian

Co-author of research paper "Direct Inflation Targeting: A New Monetary Policy Strategy for Romania", Cristian Popa, coordinator, Surica Rosentuler, Elena Iorga, Wilhelm Salater, Daniela Sasu, Adrian Ionut Codirlasu, published as National Bank of Romania's Occasional Paper no. 1 (in English) and Working Paper Series no. 10 (in Romanian), Apr. 2002, Romanian English

Valuating the volatility of the ROL/USD rate using ARCH and GARCH modelling - paper defended at the Monetary and Financial Research Session organized by the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking, Nov. 2001 Romanian

Testing for the Informational Efficiency of the Romanian Capital Market - Dissertation Paper defended in Jun. 2000, published on the Doctoral School of Finance and Banking website: Romanian English Abstract

Fractal Market Hypothesis - Article published in the "Economistul" magazine No. 527 in Jan. 2000 Romanian

Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Valuating Financial Instruments, Graduation Thesis for BA in Finance, defended in Aug. 1999

Fractal Market Hypothesis - Article defended at Students Scientific Research Session in Apr. 1999, awarded with Third Prize