Videoconferinta, Evolutii inflatie, Prezentare, May 28, 2021 Earnings Report, May 13, 2021, Pesentation
Sondajul CFA Romania, Conferinta Romania, Incotro?, February 2021; Presentation RO
Schimbari de comportament induse de pandemie, Conferinta Work from Home editia a 3-a organizata de Oxygen Events, February 25, 2021, Presentation RO
Sondajul AAFBR Evolutia Economiei sub influenta pandemiei COVID 19, AAFBR Annual Conference, November 2020; Survey Report RO, Presentation RO
Trenduri Fintech: Prezentare sustinta in cadrul conferintei "Bursa", 16 Aprilie 2019; CONFERINTA "BURSA" TENDINTE ÎN PIATA DE CAPITAL / ADRIAN CODIRLASU, PRESEDINTE CFA SOCIETY ROMÂNIA:"Introducerea tehnologiei în sectorul financiar creste eficienta companiilor"
CFA Romania Macroeconomic Confidence Index, presentation at the "Romania Incotro" condefrence, February 28, 2019, RO
Evolutie piete financiare romanesti, Dec. 2018 - Feb. 2019, Predeal, Februarie 2019 RO
Romanian FX Market 2008-2018, presentation at the AAFBR Conference Romania dupa 10 ani. Realizari, esecuri, perspective economice, November 2018 RO
Trenduri tehnologice in sectorul financiar - plati, Presentation at "Viitorul si Siguranta Platilor Electronice Conference, October 2018 RO
Macro Context, Expectations, Risks, presentation at Creditors' Challenge organised by Kruk, October 2018 EN
Role of Private Pensions Funds in Financing the Romanian Economy; Impact on Financial Stability, presentation at CFA Society Austria Annual Confence, Vienna, Austria, October, 2018 EN
Role of private pension funds in financing the Romanian Economy; Impact on Financial Stability, presentation at FIAR 2018, May 16, 2018
CFA Romania Macroeconomic Confidence Indicator, March 2018, presentation at the CFA Forecast Dinner, Apr. 2018
Fintech - Evolutions, presentation at the conference Digital Banking and Cyber Security, March 29, 2018 RO
The Role of Private Pension Funds in Financing the Romanian Economy. Impact on Financial Stability, presentation at the conference Meeting the Challenges of Volatility, organized by Romanian Association of Financial Analysts, CFA Romania and Grayling, with the support of National Bank of Romania on March 27, 2018 EN
CFA Romania Macroeconomic Conficence Indicator, February 2018 RO
Macroeconomic Context, Outlook and Risks, presentation at the "Romania Incotro" Conference, 24 February 2018, RO
CFA Romania macroeconomic Confidence Index, presentation at the Conference "Lessons Learned", 17 November 2017 EN
Alexnandra Smedoiu and Adrian Codirlasu, MiFID II - New regulatory requirements in the financial services industry, presentation at the ISF (Institutul de Studii Financiare) International Conference "Financial Professional training - today and tomorrow" 16 November 2017
Private pensions - Opportunities and challenges!, presentation at the Romanian Association of Financial and Banking Analysts (AAFBR) Annual Conference, 15 November 2017 EN
Macroeconomic context, expectations, risks and implications on asset allocation, presentation at the Romanian Association of Private Pensions, 10 October 2017 RO
MiFID II Advisory and Inducements EN, Professional Education EN, presentations at the Romanian Brokers Association Workshop on New requirements for intermediaries an technical aspects on their implementation, Bucharest 12 September 2017
Professional Education, CFA Charter and Ethics, Presentation at the International Conference Outlook and Challenges for the Professional Education in Romania, Bucharest 15 November, 2016 EN
Macroeconomic Context, Outlook, Risks and Implications on Allocation between Asset Classes, Presentation at the Conference on Private Pensions, 18 October 2016 RO
Management of Market and Liquidity Risk, Presentation at the Romanian Banking Institute Summer Banking Academy, Jun. 2016 RO
CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Best Practices, Presentation at the 2016 International Conference on Non-Bank Finance organized by Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), 2-3 Jun. 2016 EN
Putting Investors First, Presentation at Bucharest Stock Exchange opening, 26 May 2016 RO
Macro Context and Implications on Fixed Income Investments, Presentation at FIAR 2016 Insurance Market Trends Conference, May. 2016 RO, EN and at Financial.Forum, May 2016, RO
Managing Risks for Financial Derivatives Transactions, Presentation at the Econosofia Risk Management Project, Apr. 2016, RO
Take Part Save Smart, Global Money Week, Mar 2015, RO
Managing Risks for Financial Derivatives Transactions, Presentation at the Romanian Banking Institute Summer Banking Academy, Jun. 2015, RO
Portfolio Management, presentation at Econosofia Risk Management Project, Apr. 2015 RO
Opportunities and Risks for the Romanian Private Pension Industry, Presentation at the National Conference on Private Pensions, Bucharest, Jan. 2015, RO
Portfolio Management, presentation at BVB Furum for Retail Investors, Neptun, June 2014 RO
FX Market, Presentation at "Money Management in Trading" organized by XTB Romania and Romanian Banking Institute, May 2014 RO
Impact of Macroeconomic Data on Financial Markets, presentation at BVB IQ Invest Invest, Bucharest Stock Exchange and Intercapital, May 2014 RO
New Market Infrastructure for Trading Derivatives, presentation at Risk Management Conference 2014, organised by Romanian Parliament and Primm.Ro, March 2014, and Risk Management Project organised by Econosofia, April 2014 RO
Basel III, Presentation at Econosofia Risk Management Project, April 2013 RO
Managing Credit Risk in OTC Derivatives Transactions, presentation at Smarter Finances - Forseeing and Managing Risks conference, National Bank of Romania, March 2013 and at Econosofia Risk Management Project, April 2013 EN
Financing Economic Growth, Competitivity and Debt Susteinability, Adrian Mitroi si Adrian Codirlasu, Nov. 2012, presentation at the "Optimal Size of an Economy" conference, National Bank of Romania RO
Credit Accelerator and Long-Term Economic Growth. Empirical Evidence from new EU Member Countries, Adrian Codirlasu and Bogdan Moinescu, Nov. 2012, presentation at the "Optimal Size of an Economy" conference, National Bank of Romania RO
Credit Growth, Economic Growth and Quality of Bank's Portfolios. Empirical Evidence from new EU Member Countries, Adrian Codirlasu and Bogdan Moinescu, Oct. 2012, presentation at the "Nonperforming Loans" conference, National Bank of Romania RO
Impact of Macroeconomic Data on Financial Markets, Nov. 2012, presentation at ASER Invest RO
CFA Romania Macroeconomic Confidence Index, Adrian Codirlasu and Mugur Popescu, May. 2012, presentation at International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum, FIAR 2012, Sinaia, Romania EN
Basel III: Too soon or too late? Investors perspective, Adrian Mitroi and Adrian Codirlasu, presentation at the "Challenges of the new Basel III Agreement", National Bank of Romania, Apr. 2012 RO
Computation of Expected Default Frequencies for the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange using the Merton model, Mar. 2012, presentation at the "Quantitative Methods in Fiance" Joint Seminar of Asociatia QuantFin & Gamax RO
Assessing the Impact of Macroeconomic Data on Financial Markets, Mar. 2012, presentation at the Romanian Brokers Association Workshop "Using Statistics and Forecasts on Financial Markets" RO
Currency Markets, Mar. 2011, presentation at the Econosofia students' club, Bucharest RO
Using Value-at-Risk Models in Portfolio Management, May. 2009, presentation at the CFA Investments Day, at International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum, FIAR 2009, Sinaia, Romania RO
Using Credit Derivatives, May. 2008, presentation at the CFA Investments Day, at International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum, FIAR 2008, Sinaia, Romania EN
Modeling Credit Risk, Oct. 2005, presentation at the Risk Management Forum 2005, Bucharest, Romania EN
Credit Derivatives, Oct. 2005, presentation at the Risk Management Forum 2005, Bucharest, Romania RO
An Estimate of the Equilibrium Exchange Rate for Romania. A BEER Approach, Jul. 2005, presentation the the Bank of England workshop "Informational Content of Financial Instruments", London, UK, EN