Research Activity #4
This research activity introduced me that there are more research databases, especially when you need accurate and reliable information. Some are easier to use (Google Scholar), while others are difficult to navigate (University databases).
Revisions: Overall, I changed RA 4 to be a little bit more colorful and changed the font size to make things stand out.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Scholar and CSU Library Databases
Google Scholar and the CSU library database are both good resources where you can find academic journals, essays, and other scholarly literature. Google Scholar is easier to use than the CSU database because it generates more results, and it does not require you to be on campus to use a created PIN number.
The CSU library database can only have a certain amount of research in its system. If you are not on campus at CSU, there is a required PIN number in order to access the content. It is also very limited as well, since it is restricted to a university. However, it is still useful in the means of finding research and dependable scholarly compositions. It allows you to search from different databases and select options for your search
Google Scholar is an extremely useful search engine for scholarly published works. Deriving from Google, it will generate the most results and also allow you to see how many researchers have cited a specific article or journal, which can aid in the selection process of choosing research for a research topic. In my screencast video, I spent more time on the CSU’s database because it was more difficult to use, and it took me longer to find a piece of research that I actually liked, or what was related to my topic. Personally, Google Scholar is an easier tool to use when looking for credible research. In my video, I express some distress because I was using a lot of my time sifting through the databases.
Google Scholar and CSU’s library database are both reasonable and credible websites to search for scholarly literature. Google Scholar is not as difficult to use since it is a derivative of Google and it generates more results. When investigating for research, both websites contribute a great deal with the content they hold.