

Working papers

Group Identity and Strategic Games in the Laboratory  (with Anna Bayona)

Abstract: We study the effects of group identity on cooperation in experimental two-person strategic games. Our results show that in games of strategic complements, group identity only matters initially when a participant interacts with another participant of the same group by delivering more cooperative choices, but this effect disappears in later rounds. The Nash equilibrium with standard preferences describes behavior well regardless of the identity condition. However, in treatments with strategic substitutes, we find that participants are persistently more competitive when playing with another participant of a different group than when there are no identity groups. This is because, in games of strategic substitutes, participants have spiteful preferences toward participants that are members of the other group which leads to choices that are more competitive than the Nash equilibrium.  

Staying Home: Discrimination and Selfishness in Pandemic Times 

Work in progress

Inter-generational Learning on Climate Action   (with Esther Blanco, collecting data)

Unpacking Italian Perspectives and Willingness to Act against Climate Change: A Survey Experiment (with Riccardo Ghidoni and Alessandro Tavoni)

Group Polarization and Within-group Fractionalization in group contests   (with Konstantinos Protopappas)

The Effects of Group Identity (Un)Ethical Status on Intragroup Coordination   (pilot done)

Measuring Group Identity Fluctuations through Purchasing Choices