Learning Materials
Adopt-a-Float Canada Learning Materials
Adopt-a-Float Canada Learning Materials
Enjoy these learning materials and resources designed to allow different grade levels to interact with their adopted float, and learn about key ocean concepts.
Also see our data access and analysis tutorials on the Data Explorer page.
Teachers, click here to access downloadable and customizable lesson plans and exercises for your classroom.
Materials from our Partners
Materials from our Partners
Check out these other lessons, activities and worksheets provided by our Adopt-a-Float colleagues. We have classified the lessons based on the anticipated grade-level: introductory (middle school), intermediate (late-middle school to early-high school), and advanced (high-school).
What are the environmental costs and benefits of Argo floats?
Learn about acidity in the ocean, and how to measure it using your adopted float. Also try this exercise to test acidity levels in common solutions.OCEAN ACIDIFICATION
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