☆ Introduction ☆

Adonis The Stickman is a GameJolt user that has a black stickman OC with a blue bow tie. This was originally a BFDI character trying to replicate David for a competition show named "Battle for Gaming Island", this is how I gain my career as an animator (plus I been doing this since apparently earlier than 2018, might have been a LeapFrog game I played when I was little). In October 2021, I joined GameJolt which is still active to this day. And since then, I was best known for the creation of "Pac-Man Encore" and "Egor the Electric Human 2" game.

This website might include similar texts from the old version so...yeah.

3D model by me :)

Adonis speaks!

"Adonis Speaks" is here! It's a page where a 3D model talks to you about certain topics either from the developer or by other people. You can visit the page here!