Module 3

Social Media

This video will help you identify the pros and cons of social media use and offer valuable information about the affect social media can have on your mental health. The video will also offer tips on approaching online behaviour in a positive way.

Pros and Cons to Using Social Media

Social Media

Researchers have found that social media has had a great impact on adolescents and their mental health. Many believe that spending too much time on social media can trigger poor mental health.

Too much social media use has ben linked to:

  1. Poor sleep quality

  2. Cyberbullying

  3. FOMO (Fear of missing out)

  4. Issues around body image

  5. Self- Identity

  6. Self- Esteem

Ways To Practice Positive/Healthy Social Media Use

  1. Practice an attitude of gratitude

  2. Deactivating account if you notice that your social media use is affecting your mental health

  3. Mute your social media notifications for less distractions

  4. Monitoring/ track your screen time - schedule time to use social media and times to step away

How To Track Your Screen Time 1 How To Track Your Screen Time 2

  1. Follow positive accounts - only give your energy to viewing inspirational users and posts

  2. Block negative accounts

  3. Restrict comments on your account

  4. Think before posting - be mindful of what you post and how it may affect others

  5. Be aware of social comparisons - be grateful for what you do have as apposed to focussing on what other have that you don’t.

  6. Focus on other activities that bring you joy (outdoor activities, gym, art classes, yoga)

Activity 3

Do you think that social media affects students mental health?

Use the classroom discussion board to debate question above.

Classroom Discussion Board