Module 2


This video will help you understand more about depression and things to look out for when you think you might feel depressed.


A Student's Perspective

What Is Depression?

Depression is described as a mood disorder that can be caused by life's events. It is often associated with feelings of sadness, loss, grief or anger that can interfere with someone's everyday life. People experience depression in different ways and for different reasons. It can also affect your relationships and your ability to function or complete tasks. Depression is not something that you can just “get over”. Some people need therapy/counselling and/or medication to help them feel themselves again and to give them the strength to cope and navigate through life.

Common Signs Of Depression

  1. Eating or sleeping too much or too little

  2. Isolating oneself (wanting to be alone all the time)

  3. Having low or no energy

  4. Having feelings of hopelessness

  5. Feeling helpless

  6. Feeling like nothing matters

  7. Having unexplained aches and pains

  8. Substance abusing (using drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking)

  9. Feeling confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared

  10. Yelling or fighting with family and friends

  11. Experiencing mood swings

  12. Constantly having sad or negative thoughts

  13. Thinking of harming yourself or others

  14. Having a difficult time completing tasks or taking care of yourself or loved ones

  15. Can not focus in school

Activity 2

What does depression look like to you? (Google Sketch)

Using a blank doc. Upload, sketch a picture or make a collage that representation your view of what depression looks like to you (you can use evidence or examples from your classroom or school environment for inspiration). Get creative! Use pictures, words or emojis. Don't forget to share the link with me !

Sketch (Activity)