I've found so many solutions on the internet all of which do not work (yay). So can someone explain to me one working solution to get the latest Adobe Flash Player on the firefox 39.0 of all my users, so they will be able to see flash? I'd rather do stuff in Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/browser than in everyone's Users/user1/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla.

Thanks in advance

Updated to the most recent version of adobe flash player and the browser becomes unresponsive even on adobe's confirmation page that flash has been installed. can not click ignore, can not click stop script or anything as it displays the error window and the window disappears before you can even click anything but it comes back and back and back. tired by downloading the install packet, closing firefox out completely and THEN making sure all other programs were shut down, installed, then when it tried to verify it was installed it had an issue. i had to force close firefox, uninstall flash and no issues. I tried getting support just to find the previous version but they didn't even want to help me that much, they are only wanting cash from people for their cloud. they don't care about anyone that doesn't use those programs as they make people search for hours AFTER searching for even more days (two weeks) for fixes. I'm personally done but I want to know what the issue is.

Adobe Flash Player 9 Free Download For Mozilla Firefox

tag_hash_104 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2yjWJU 🔥

Oh one more thing, i clicked start a new discussion FOUR times, then finally clicked the one at the bottom of the main forum page finally allowing me to post this. VERY VERY BAD FORM ADOBE/CREATIVE.... VERY BAD FORM. oh and since there is no general flash player spot for errors i hope that this one works.. probably guessed wrong... really not making me like adobe any better.

I will accept your information apparently i am on the 32 bit client. i was not totally aware of that i thought i had the 64 bit client. The fun part of it is that Firefox has dropped adobe flash support for 64 bit and gone to html 5. I have finally gotten some answers from a few tech friends that work more closely with browsers. thanks for the information.

so you are recommending a product that will not function with many websites due to limited plug-in support. and i will agree they say what you are saying, but when i install flash player it is listed as npapi by this quote from the same blog site:

this still doesn't present me any relief from the last three week time where i could not use flash player because the update does NOT work. I will install the 64 bit firefox and see if that works and if it does i will continue to use it, but with html5 being used many places (Apple for one) flash is in trouble if the browsers won't work with it.

well it is working for now, but this leads me to believe that adobe/creative has made it a requirement that it works with only mozilla 64 bit vs the 32 bit client. otherwise why would it work with 64 bit but give me problems with the 32 bit? and why has it not even been addressed and patched yet? i can not be the only one with issues of flash as of the last update. this still is not totally answered, it is a "PATCH" but either there is an issue with mozilla 32bit which is the normal download when looking for it as i had to go LOOKING for the 64 bit client, or the issue is with adobe. and my opinion of adobe support still stands, they could have at least said try the 64 bit client or given me a link to the older flash that did work with 32bit.

yes it seems to be answered, but if i go back to the mozilla 32 bit client, i will have to remove flash player and that is not an answer to this issue, an answer would prevent the issue from occuring once again.

I know that the 32 bit and 64 bit versions can co-exist on the system, but if I was using the 32 bit version of mozilla why is flash not working with that version, and thus making me use the 64 bit version? I do not disagree that it would be better but with issues using 32bit mozilla why is it not being addressed for those that still have 32 bit systems??? this is where my issue is, not that i had to go to 64 bit for it to work, that is great but there are still people with 32 bit machines that can not RUN 64 bit applications at all.

Freki42, perhaps your right. I was tired, trying to work and super short on patience. I take responsibility for my quick reaction. I have been using adobe products for 20 plus years. And most of the time they do a fantastic job. I still think something needs to be done about the flash updates that don't work or seemingly didn't need updating in the first place. Time is something I don't have a lot of and to waste it trying to fix something that was working fine really bugs me.

chrome has it's own version of flash dedicated to just chrome. that's why it works. mine is working because i have gone up to the 64 bit version of firefox, installed adobe and it's working so... the big question to adobe still stands why is there an issue with flash and the 32 bit version of firefox.

We are using Adobe flash player plugin for playing SWF files and We already known that Adobe flash player support is going to end by December 2020, As per recent update Adobe provided some plugins for Firefox and IE browsers. For more info please look into this url " _downloads.html" once . Please let me know, these IE and FireFox plugins support also completely removing by Adobe ? or not.

Please help me out of this As soon As possible. If you help me on this , That would be great help to me.

Support URL: adobe flashplayer not working with firefox | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support recommends installing the 32 bit version of Adobe Flash Player, but I have been unable to do that with your process. The version they mentioned is: 11x32_mssa_aih

I found many different solutions similar to each other on the web, but obviously they are outdated. It's suggested to download the flash player from here (Nothing told on the page whether it's debug or not) and to copy libflashplayer.so to (regarding firefox) /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. I already have the same .so in /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer and symlink under mozilla plugins folder referring to this .so.

Yes sir, debug is possible, but more effectively, you can get adobe flash for Mozilla Firefox in the Ubuntu Software Center. Just go in and search "Adobe Flash," then install and restart Mozilla. And that's it! If this works for you, make sure to vote up and check it so that other people can see this if they want to know the same question!

Please, as I mentioned above, I have all the components fully updated, and also I've tried every solution mentioned in the links I attached, so of-course I checked I have the last version of flash player, that's the first thing I did.

I have read all these posts and have followed all the links but I still have been unable to solve this problem that started yesterday for me. The facebook videos on firefox have no audio. On Internet Explorer, when I play the video, I get a message saying "flash unavailable we are having trouble playing this video". This cannot be simply a Mozilla issue, as the problem exists on Explorer as well.

Flash player isn't supported on iOS devices. Does the site that you studying on have a non-flash version of it, or do they have their own app in your country's App Store ? Or does the site have info about using their site on an iOS device ? 0852c4b9a8

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