An Incremental RAG System for videos

A novel incremental RAG system called iRAG, which enables immediate interactive querying of large video repositories.

Efficient Video-to-Text Conversion for RAG System

A hybrid approach that combines both lightweight and heavyweight VLMs where the lightweight VLM generates a text description, which then serves as input prompt for the heavyweight VLM under token limit.

Optimizing LLM API cost

LeanContext, efficiently extracts k key sentences from the context that are closely aligned with the query. The choice of k is neither static nor random; we introduce a reinforcement learning technique that dynamically determines k based on the query and context. Dynamic reduction of context size based on query contributes to the reduction of LLM API usage cost.

Intelligent Layer Selection

We proposed intelligent layer-selection for the secondary task while keeping the model for the primary task intact.

Cost-effective Video analytics

We developed FrameHopper,  an edge-cloud collaborative video analytics framework, that runs a lightweight trained RL agent on the camera and passes filtered frames to the cloud/edge server where the object detection model runs for a set of applications. 

Task-oriented Privacy Cognizant Feature Generation

We proposed MetaMorphosis in a split-multi-task-learning setup to add input obfuscation and task privacy to the overall system.