Md Adnan Arefeen

Welcome to my homepage! I am Md Adnan Arefeen,  currently a 5th year CS PhD student in University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) under the supervision of Dr. Md Yusuf Sarwar Uddin. 

At present,  I am working a Research Intern at Integrated Systems department at NEC Labs America for Summer 2024. In Spring 2024, as a research intern at NEC,  I worked on improving the retrieval augmented generation system. My journey with NEC commenced in Summer 2023 when as a research Intern,  I developed a technology that reduces the cost of LLM API usage for domain-specific QA System. My research interest includes but not limited to edge computing, efficient AI inference, video analytics, and cost-efficient LLM API utilization. I have published several research papers in prestigious conferences such as CVPR 2024, ITSC 2024, IoTDI 2023, DCOSS 2022, SMARTCOMP 2022-2023, ECML 2021, ICIP 2021, IEEE Big Data 2021. 

I am originally from Bangladesh. Before joining the PhD program, I served as a lecture in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at United International University Bangladesh. I also served as a software engineer (iOS) at Reve Systems Ltd, Bangladesh.

Feel free to explore more about my research and projects here on my homepage!