Explore the world of criminal justice in our text

Introduction to Criminal Justice Textbook

Moller, Scott. Introduction to Criminal Justice. Great River Learning, 2020. ISBN: 9781644962916. Click to purchase in digital format. Print format is coming soon!

I wrote this book to provide an introduction to the American criminal justice system in a manner that is approachable, practical, and engaging, to inspire you to explore this fascinating area of study, and to arm you with skills and knowledge that will prove useful in any endeavor.

The book opens with an overview of career options in criminal justice, to provide context for your studies, connecting the topics covered in this book with your academic and professional goals.

Our second chapter is devoted to the art of writing. Criminal justice writing is critical because it produces profound consequences, both for individuals and for society. By applying the principles of great writing to the production of foundational criminal justice documents, you will develop clarity and precision in all of your writing.

The book then proceeds to survey the major fundamental areas of criminal justice. Chapter Three traces the development of criminal justice in the United States and invites readers to critically analyze public perceptions of crime. Chapter Four deconstructs criminal law and outlines the major criminal defenses typically advanced in court. Chapter Five assesses the influence of the United States Constitution. Chapters Six through Eight examine police work, Chapters Seven through Twelve explore courts and corrections, and the book closes with an overview of the juvenile justice system.

Each chapter begins a new area of study, with a list of specific objectives that provides a logical outline for the reading, and ends with a summary, followed by a practice quiz to allow you to check your knowledge and reflect on what you have learned.

Academic studies through a professional lens

I write from the perspective of a criminal justice professional who has worked in federal and state criminal justice systems, handling both adult and juvenile matters through every stage of litigation. I earned my law degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School, then worked as a litigation attorney for approximately 20 years -- 15 of them as a prosecutor, handling felony and misdemeanor criminal cases from investigation and charging, through trial, sentencing and appeal. My writing and teaching method uses that lens of professional experience, drawing upon real-world examples and cases to bring abstract legal concepts into focus.

I am excited to offer this book as a roadmap to your academic journey into the world of criminal justice!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Advance Your Education and Your Career

Chapter 2 – Writing for Criminal Justice

Chapter 3 - Crime in the United States

Chapter 4 - Criminal Law

Chapter 5 - The Constitution

Chapter 6 - Police

Chapter 7 - Police Legal Restraints

Chapter 8 - Police Challenges

Chapter 9 - Courts

Chapter 10 - Trial

Chapter 11 - Sentencing

Chapter 12 - Corrections

Chapter 13 - Juveniles