Lucien Asiri

1st Child (French)

Descended from European nobility, the Asiri family lost only a fraction of its wealth and influence during Second Impact. The Impact War was less kind, taking the life of the family patriarch, who is succeeded by his son, Lucien. Due to the family's connections, Lucien was identified as a potential pilot shortly after the requirements were determined, and agreed to "carry out his duty." Though the family has pretensions to heroic chivalry, and the heir is recognized as publicly charming, Lucien is said to be detached or even acerbic in private.

Lucien has styled his Pharaoh as a medieval knight, with a shield on one arm, and a polythermic spear in the other. His training enables him to charge into melee range, and batter down his target's AT Field.

Has begun to exhibit higher signs of stress than the other pilots, despite being one of the more composed specimens.

A fiery heart beats in his chest, but The Prince has read his Machiavelli. -PROMETHEUS