Outreach activities in DFW area

We continuously include undergraduate students with various backgrounds, such as women and underrepresented minorities and first-generation college students.

A diverse group of different ages, colors, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, and others makes us doing great and exciting science and engineering

2024 K12 students lab visit and demonstration relevant projects, such as cardiac organoid fabrication, imaging, and characterization, cell mechanics by hydrogel and cell stretcher.

2023 Outstanding senior design team: corazón in vitro by four Hispanic seniors.

We continuously recruit outstanding TAMS students to do research in the lab, contribute manuscripts, attend internal and external meetings, present posters and talks, etc.


Working closely with Dr. D' Souza and UNT ASME for the excellent projects for middle and high school at STEM@thePark and Girl Day at UNT College of Engineering.

K12 outreach with the collaboration of the superintendent Dr. George from Newman International Academy Fort Worth for STEM education, specifically biomedical engineering, confocal imaging, 3D cell culture, organoids, regenerative medicine, and artificial intelligence in biomedical applications.

Science and new technology displace and demonstration in public with Mrs. Amber Shire, Vice President of Education at Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, and Dr. Deborah Cockerham, Associate Director for School and Community Relations, College of Information at UNT

UNT BMEN Open house for introducing biomedical engineering to the public.

Dr. Adam Yang as one of the DEEN fellows for promoting diversity and excellence in engineering network, https://engineering.unt.edu/deen