Books, Chapters and Reviews

The Behavioral Neuroscience of Drug Discrimination

This book was published as part of Springer's Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences and was co-edited by my former doctorate advisor Dr. Joseph Porter and me. 

The goal for this volume was to provide an up-to-date review of the discriminative stimulus properties of major psychoactive drug classes with an emphasis on how this paradigm enhances our understanding of these drugs and how these findings translate from animals to humans. The drug discrimination paradigm applies to both drugs of abuse and drugs for treating mental illnesses, and research from these studies has provided immense translational value for learning about the mechanisms responsible for drug effects in humans.

Porter, J. H., & Prus, A. J. (Eds.). (2018). The behavioral neuroscience of drug discrimination (Vol. 39). Springer International Publishing. 

I contributed to a few chapters in this book as well, which are listed below.

Co-authored chapters in this volume

Porter JH, Prus AJ, and Overton, DA (2018) Drug Discrimination: Historical Origins, Important Concepts and Principles. In Drug Discrimination: A Behavioral Approach for Understanding Subjective Drug Effects. The volume is part of Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. 


Porter JH, Webster KA, and Prus AJ (2017) Translational Value of Drug Discrimination with Typical and Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs. In Drug Discrimination: A Behavioral Approach for Understanding Subjective Drug Effects. The volume is part of Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. 


Prus AJ and Porter JH (2016) The discriminative stimulus properties of drugs used to treat depression and anxiety. In Drug Discrimination: A Behavioral Approach for Understanding Subjective Drug Effects. The volume is part of Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG. 

Other Book Chapters

Chapter 13:  Conditioned Place Preference Test for Assessing the Rewarding Effects of Drugs of Abuse

This chapter was published in The Brain Reward System, a volume in a series of books on experimental protocols published by Springer.  In this chapter, Dr. Hillhouse and I present on different procedural approaches to evaluating substances pre-clinically using the conditioned place preference procedure. I co-authored another methods chapter on conditioned place preference many years prior to this (see below).

Hillhouse TM and Prus AJ (2021) Conditioned place preference test for assessing the rewarding effect of drugs of abuse, pages 263-278. In The Brain Reward System. The volume is part of Neuromethods. New York: Springer Science+Business Media LLC 

Chapter 4:  Conditioned Place Preference

This chapter was published in Methods of Behavior Analysis in Neuroscience, published by CRC Press.  The overall book was popular and is available open access through PubMed Books.

Prus AJ, James JR and Rosecrans JA (2009) Conditioned place preference. In Methods of Behavioral Analysis in Neuroscience, Ed. Jerry J. Buccafusco. Taylor & Francis. 

Review Papers

Porter JH and Prus AJ (2009). Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Atypical and Typical Antipsychotic Drugs: A Review of Preclinical Studies  Psychopharmacology, 203, 279-294

Meltzer H and Prus A (2007).  NK3 receptor antagonists for the treatment of  schizophrenia. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies, 3, 555-560

Meltzer HY, Li Z, Huang H, and Prus AJ  (2006). Serotonergic mechanisms in schizophrenia: evolution and current concepts. Current Psychosis and Therapeutics Reports, 4, 12-19.