3 Day Corporate Fast

The Holy Spirit prompted me to lead this ministry on a 3-day fast for power, breakthrough, and deliverance. Jesus said in Mark 8:29 ~ This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.

There is no new normal, the times are serious, what is coming will get progressively worse.

Many will need healing and deliverance.

We must be in position to be used by our Lord and savior.


There are some struggles that can only be overcome by prayer and fasting! There are some demons that can only be cast out by shifting into the supernatural through prayer and fasting so the Holy Spirit can move more powerfully in you and through you.


We change when we fast! I encourage you to pray constantly and fervently during your fast, should you choose to join me. (James 5:15-16)

When I fast, I pray specifically to my situations, I speak prayerfully over my life, marriage, family, and ministry, and I make scriptural decrees into the atmosphere. I encourage you to do the same!

Beginning in September 2021, we will be fasting the first 3 days of the month for the next six months.

Fast Dates: Saturday January 1st, Sunday, January 2nd, and Monday, January 3rd

Fasting Times: We are abstaining from food from 6 am - 6 pm, water is allowed.

Abstain means to restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something, which means we will not be eating food from 6 am through 6 pm.

We will pray together on our prayer line at 6 am each day of the fast, Sunday, & Monday morning at 6 am.

The number for the prayer line is the same each day.

To join by phone at 6 am, call: (681) 999-0286, Access Number: 706824

ASK GOD IF YOU should fast. Let the Holy Spirit guide you! When you receive a prompting, be obedient!

We will close the fast with communion on Monday at 6 pm.

Disclaimer: If you have medical concerns, please seek medical advice from your doctor before fasting.

I believe many of us are going to be touched and blessed in a powerful way!

In His name and In His service

Nicola A. Maclin