When you visit Acts Fellowship, expect to be greeted by a friendly face and wrapped in loving arms. We are living demonstrations of God’s great love!

We are a church that believes in the Holy Spirit manifesting His power. You may see people raising their hands, dancing, and worshiping with exuberance. You may also see the power of God manifest through words of encouragement being released over people, miraculous healings and deliverance through prayer.


I am not saved but would like to be, how do I do it?

We’re so glad you asked. Salvation is not a complicated task; it’s simply a choice. First, we all must understand that God is in control. His love, reach, and word touches everything. He is limitless in power. Nothing can contain Him or command Him. Our God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our Father and He is reachable to His Children.

We all must acknowledge we are not perfect and have sinned. Being a “good person” doesn’t cut it. The Bible is very clear that none of us can alone claim that title, no matter what we’ve done well in life (Romans 3:10). We were all born into sin due to the fall of Adam and Eve. The Bible states “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 3:23; 6:23). That means we all deserve to die. There is no way around that. The Good News is because God loved us so much, He sent His son Jesus to cover us (John 3:16-18). He didn’t get rid of the price, but rather paid it in full. That means He died in our place and gave us the Gift of Life instead. In order to accept this gift, we now have to respond. This is everyone’s opportunity to say “Yes I will follow”.

The ABC’s of salvation is a great tool to navigate this process, but understanding the “why” is what solidifies this decision.

Admit you have sinned.

Believe in Jesus Christ’s work on the Cross.

Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation”. – Romans 10:9-10 NKJV

WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! Send us a note and tell us what you did.

When is service and what time does it start?

Our services are held on Sundays at 11AM CST.

We meet on the second floor of the Fair Oaks Ranch Moade Center. If the parking lot in front of the building is full, you may park in the secondary lot beside the building.

What is the dress attire?

Be comfortable. We move around a lot, so we would advise wearing things that will allow you to freely worship Christ uninhibited. Whether that be a suit and tie or jeans and a t-shirt. Acts Fellowship is a place to be who you are in Christ; come respectable!

What denomination are you?

We are a non-denominational church. More information on our beliefs can be found here. We are an Apostolic House, serving the totality of the New Testament dispensation represented by the full compliment of the Ephesians 4:11 officers.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers"

Ephesians 4:11 (KJV)

Can I christen my baby here?

Yes. We love children and believe they should be covered. If you would like to have your child dedicated to the Lord, simply visit the Connect page and click on Baby Dedication.

I did this/had this position at my previous church, can I serve in the same capacity at Acts Fellowship?

The short answer is no. We value all that you’ve gone through and what you have learned along the way. Here at Acts Fellowship, we believe that your fruit will speak for you. Titles are not something we transfer. We allow God to reveal in due time.

When can I start serving?

All hands-on deck! Acts Fellowship is a place of empowerment. We want you to grow, and be able to grow others. Serving is a big part of that.

After completing Training all members can begin serving.

Can I bring my children?

We'd love that! We're family-integrated, meaning the whole family young and old is welcome to be present through our whole gathering. In other words we don't have a separate Sunday-school for kids.

Can I get married here?

Yes. We love marriage! Making a covenant unto God is such a wonderful experience and we greatly value this union. There are specific criteria that must be met before being wed at Acts Fellowship; including Marriage Counseling and Membership. Contact us for more information on this process.

Do you conduct funerals?

Yes. Losing someone is never easy. Those who are a part of Acts Fellowship, in need of this service, should contact an Elder and the Connect Team for further details and information.