How can you contribute?

Call for Papers

Checkout our CFP for details. And please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Submission Format

The authors are expected to provide the submissions following the template specified at the ETRA homepage, which is the single-column submission format of the ACM Primary Article Template. In this format, the authors will provide 4-page-1-column submissions. Please find the details below.

To prepare your paper for submission, please use the single-column format using the provided Word or LaTeX templates. Therefore, the correct template for submission is: single-column Word Submission Template and single-column LaTeX (using the “manuscript,review,anonymous” style available in the template). Please use the "author year" citation and reference format.

Please submit just the PDF version of your manuscript to PCS (link below). When generating the PDF file, please make sure that the fonts are embedded in the PDF file. This will ensure that reviewers can view the paper without problems. Reviewers will review your paper in the single-column format.

Please observe the page limit in the single-column format:

  • max. 4 pages (plus any number of additional pages for references), max. 150 words abstract

Submitted papers must be anonymized for double-blind peer review, i.e., paper submissions must be appropriately anonymized to conceal the authors' identities and institutions. This means that authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the title and header areas of the paper. Also, please make sure that identifying information does not appear in the document's meta-data (e.g., the 'Authors' field in your word processor's 'Save As' dialog box). Further suppression of identity in the body of the paper is left to the authors' discretion. We do expect that authors leave in citations to their previous work, so that reviewers can ensure that all previous research has been taken into account by the authors. Nonetheless, please avoid phrases such as "In this paper we build on top of our previous work presented in [reference]…" and, instead, use constructions such as "We extend the work presented in [reference]… ". Observe that you are allowed to extend anyone's work, and only the first phrase reveals that you are the author of the previous work.

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions.
(LaTex template)
(LaTex template on Overleaf platform) Please make sure to select the 1-coloumn format

(Word template)

Submission Link

Similar to ETRA 2021, the ActivEye workshop uses Precision Conference System (PCS) to handle paper submissions and reviews. Click on the following link, create an account or log in to proceed with your submission. Under ETRA2021 please select "ETRA 2021 Workshop - Challenges in [.] active participants (ActivEye)".

Submission Deadline extended to March 14th (Time Zone AoE/Anywhere on Earth)

Special Issue with the Journal of Behavioral Research Methods

Please check our latest news regarding a journal track with BRM.

Important Dates

  • March 14th Paper Submission Extended

  • March 22nd Acceptance Notification

  • March 25th Rebuttal Submission

  • March 28th Final Notification for Rebuttals

  • March 30th Camera-ready Submission