Computing for the Margins

The activities in this module will afford the faculty and students the opportunity to identify the unique factors involved in working with marginalized and vulnerable populations within social justice contexts. They will take time to identify key factors that place them within and outside the margins through intersectional framework theories.

[ACSC-CDF] Computing for the Margins - Website

Student Activities for Critical Allyship:

From Cornell Health - Practice Effective Allyship

Ask students to choose one practice of critical allyship to practice throughout the week. Create a vlog or collect quantitative and qualitative data about this activity.

    • Utilize inclusive language in all discussions.

    • Observe the dynamics of power and privilege in all spaces. Make space for disenfranchised members of a group to speak or participate.

    • Provide accessibility affordances even when there are clearly identifiable disabled persons present.

    • Encourage clubs, classes and spaces to be inclusive.

Student Activities for Social Change:

    • Create collaborative events with other student organizations that are inclusive of different social identities.

    • Participate in protests, rallies, and marches and be aware of risks that you and others can and cannot take based on your social identities.

    • Lobby policy makers. Create or sign petitions that advocate for socially-just policies and practices.

    • Volunteer with organizations led and supported by the community they’re serving.