
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors' website provides information on the organisation, membership and activities of the Institute

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors website provides information on the Institution plus links to related RICS sites such as the Building Cost Information Service

The International Construction Measurement Standards (ICMS) are a cost classification system. This link is for downloading "The International Construction Measurement Standards: Global Consistency in Presenting Construction Costs". The Standards (ICMS) aim to provide global consistency in classifying, defining, measuring, analysing and presenting entire construction costs at a project, regional, state, national or international level.

The International Construction Measurement Standards Coalition website provides information on the Standards, the organisation of the Coalition compiling the Standards, and Q&A about the Standards.

The above link allowing you to view a workshop on the topic of ICMS which was carried out in France, 31 May 2017 during the congress of CEEC an Untec