
Scholarly Presentations (née Robinson) 

Mancuso, N., Michaels, J., Browne, E., Stoner, M.C.D., Maragh-Bass, A.C.....Budhwani, H. Greater Improvements in Vaccination Outcomes from a Digital Health Intervention among Black Young Adults in the United States South with Vaccine-Resistant Attitudes: A Latent Profile Analysis. Society of Behavioral Medicine Oral Presentation, San Francisco, CA. (2025, Mar).

Brittingham, S., Kanagaratnam, A....Maragh-Bass, A.C. Working towards Equitable Practices in Global Health Partnerships and Programming. NC Global Health Conference Poster Presentation, Chapel Hill, NC (2024, Oct).

Perry, M., Rivera, J., Johnson, N. Maragh-Bass, A.C.,  Centering the Needs of BIPOC Queer Youth: The ID Youth Council. Global Social Development Innovations Global Research Symposium Panel Presentation, Chapel Hill, NC (2024, Oct).

Patani, H., Stoner M.C.D., Deshpande, A.S., Castellanos-Usigli,  A, Katz, A.W., Cooney, G., Agarwal, H., Robinson, A., Granados, Y., Sukhija-Cohen, A.C., Maragh-Bass, A.C.  Exploring HIV Prevention Care Continua Outcomes and Destigmatizing, Wellness-Based Counseling Intervention Approaches for YSGM of Color. HIV Research for Prevention (R4P) Poster Session, Lima, PE (2024, Oct).

Michaels, J., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Mancuso, N., Stocks, J.B., Soberano, Z., Bond, C.L., Comello, M.L., Larsen, M.A., Muessig, K.E., Pettifor, A.E., Hightow-Weidman, L.B., Budhwani, H., Stoner, M.C.D. Vaccine Uptake and Attitudes by Political Affiliation in Black Young Adults (YA) in the United States South. American Public Health Association Conference Oral Session, Mineappolis, MN (2024, Oct).

Dickey, S.K., Hightow-Weidman L.B., Yigit, I., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Comello, M.L.G., Stoner, M.C.D., Larsen, M.A., Muessig, K.E, Pettifor, A.E., Budhwani, H.  An Examination of Knowledge, Hesitancy, and Conspiracy Beliefs on COVID-19, HPV, and Influenza Vaccination among Black Young Adults in the Southern United States.  American Public Health Association Conference Oral Session, Mineappolis, MN (2024, Oct).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Souto, A., Aikhuele, E., Esposito, M., Rainer, C., Tolley, E.E., Budhwani, H., Hightow-Weidman, L. Barriers and Facilitators to PrEP Access and Adherence in Young Men of Color: Multilevel Implications. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences Annual Conference Oral Session, St. Louis, MO (2024, Sep). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Cyrus, E., Woodard, T., Lescott, L., Arnold, E., Johnson, M., Martinez, O. Trans Equity Project: A Multicomponent Intervention to Improve HIV Prevention and Care Continue Outcomes among Men and Women of Transgender Experience. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences Annual Conference Oral Session, St. Louis, MO (2024, Sep). 

Walters, S., Lim, S., Kerr, J., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Cracks in the System: Intersectional Stigma, Collective Power, and Forging Resilient Futures and Communities through Assets-Based Approaches. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences Annual Conference Panel Presentation, St. Louis, MO (2024, Sep). 

Baez, A.D., Stoner, M.C.D., Maragh-Bass, A.C...Hightow-Weidman, L. Medical Mistrust, Discrimination and Vaccine Uptake Among Young Adults of Color in the US South. American Sociological Association Conference Roundtable Session, Montreal, CAN (2024, Aug).

Katz, A.W., Castellanos, A...Maragh-Bass, A.C. Patients’ Acceptability of the Pleasuremeter Tool for HIV Prevention Counseling. Society of Behavioral Medicine Poster Presentation, Philadelphia, PA (2024, Mar). 

Maragh-Bass, C., Etti, M., Kombe, L., Tulay-Solanke, N., Kang, M. Understanding the Role of Gender and Sexuality in Global Health Inequalities: Addressing Biases and Promoting Inclusivity. Prince Mahadiol Award Conference Oral Session, Bangkok, TH (2024, Jan). 

Boyd, D., Ramos, S.R., Maragh-Bass, A.C., The Influence of Familial Factors of Origin or Chosen: HIV Prevention Outcomes among Black Men who Have Sex with Men. American Public Health Association Conference Oral Session, Atlanta, GA (2023, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Souto, A., Aikhuele, E., Tolley, E.E., Esposito, M., Rainer, C., Budhwani, H., Hightow-Weidman, L. Development of Evidence-Based Tools using Human-Centered Design to Promote PrEP Uptake for Young Men Who Have Sex with Men of Color.  American Public Health Association Conference Oral Session, Atlanta, GA (2023, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Perry, M.,Bee, A., Rowell, J., Rivera, J., Johnson, N. Equity-Based Approaches to Centering the Needs of BIPOC Queer Youth: The ID Youth Council. American Public Health Association Conference Oral Session, Atlanta, GA (2023, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Kanagaratnam, A., Sow, B. Evidence-Based Partnership Assessments to Inform Research, Practice, and Funding Priorities. Presentation to USAID's Global Health Bureau, Virtual (2023, Oct).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Katz, A., Stoner, M.C., Castellanos, A., Sukhija-Cohen, A. Muddle: Shifting Focus from 'Risk' to 'Pleasure': Using Positive Framing in Sexual Health. Invited presentation to RTI's Women's Global Health Imperative, San Francisco, CA (2023, Jun).

Maragh-Bass, Dosani, R. What Do DEIA and Localization Mean at USAID? Invited presentation to the USAID TB DEIA Speaker Seminar, Virtual (2023, Jun).

Maragh-Bass, Wanyenze, R. Decolonization Approaches to Global South-North Partnerships. Invited presentation to the USAID Tanzania Mission, Virtual (2023, Jun).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Agarwal, H., Stegmueller, D., Ward, L., Mayer, K., Siegler, A. A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Stigma and the Impact of COVID-19 on HIV Preventive Care Among Young Sexual Minority Men. Poster presentation at the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care Adherence Conference, San Juan, PR (2023, Jun).

Wanyenze, R., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Prata, N., Dosani, R. Transparency in Global South-North Partnerships. Invited presentation to the Humentum DEIB Speaker Series, Virtual (2023, May).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Prata, N., Dosani, R., Wanyenze, R. Decolonization Approaches to Global South-North Partnerships. Invited presentation to the USAID DEIA Speaker Series, Virtual (2023, May).

Wilson, J., Comello, M.L., Means, K.K., Polight, A., Booker-Smith, M., Washington, L., Tolley, E., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Developing a Self-Guided Digital Storytelling Toolkit for Empowerment and Research Collaboration. Invited poster presentation at the DC Health COMM Conference at George Mason University, Washington, D.C.  (2023, Apr).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Wanyenze, R., Brittingham, S., Dosani, R., Tuhebwe, D. Towards Equity in Global South-North Partnerships. Invited presentation to the Makarere University School of Public Health, Virtual (2023, Feb).

Chambers, O., Ember, E.S., Rivera, J., Maragh-Bass, A.C. A Community-Based Approach to Addressing HIV and Social Determinants: The ID Youth Council. Invited panel discussion at the 2023 Minority Health Conference at UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (2023, Feb). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Agarwal, H., Castellanos Usigli, A., Stoner, M.C.D., Katz, A., Sukhija-Cohen, A. Formative Research on a Sex-Positive Tool for PrEP Counseling with Sexual/Gender Minority Youth of Color in NC and CA. Invited presentation to UNC CFAR's Carolinas United to End HIV (CUE-HIV) Scientific Working Group, Virtual (2023, Jan). 


Maragh-Bass, A.C., Wanyenze, R., Kanagaratnam, A. Decolonization Approaches to Global South-North Partnerships. Invited presentation to the Duke Global Health Institute's ThinkGlobal Speaker Series, Virtual (2022, Nov).

Vu, T., Stoner, M.C.D., Mitchell, J.T., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Riggins, L…Bhushan, N. Sexual Health Information Seeking and PrEP Communication Amongst Black Adolescents and Young Adults Living in North Carolina: A Qualitative Participatory Assessment. American Public Health Association Conference Poster Session, Boston, MA (2022, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Implementation Science Toolkit and Approaches. Invited presentation to the UNC CFAR Stigma Research Interest Group, Virtual (2022, Oct).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Hanson-Defusco, J., Addy, A. Decolonization of Global Health and Aid: Towards Action. Invited talk for USAID’s West Africa Mission’s Diversity and Inclusion Group, Virtual (2022, Sep).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Localization of Health 'Aid': Decolonization or Not? Invited presentation in Kampala Initiative's Decolonizing Aid Seminar Series, Virtual (2022, Jun).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Why Is Everyone Talking About Decolonizing Aid? Invited networking roundtable at the Women in Global Development Leadership Forum, Virtual (2022, May).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Chi, B. Research as an MPI: Lessons Learned from a Domestic Context. Invited presentation to the UNC Center for AIDS Research Developmental Core Lecture Series, Virtual (2022, May).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Stoner, M.C.D., Mitchell, J.T.  A Community-Based Approach to Understanding PrEP care in At-Risk Adolescents. Invited presentation to the UNC Joint Infectious Disease-Center for AIDS Research Lecture Series, Virtual (2022, May).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Resilient, Strong, and Grieving: How to Move on from COVID-19. Invited presentation at University of Maryland School of Nursing Community Conference, Virtual (2022, Apr).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Robinson, D.A., Faison, Sr, J., Green, S.A. Paradigm Shift: How Young Adults are Responding to Social Justice - Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically. Invited panel session at the Balm in Gilead’s Healthy Churches 2020 Conference, Virtual (2021, Nov).


Maragh-Bass, A.C., Dyer, T., Alinda, S., Jones, B. Ending the Epidemic for Who: Considerations for Uplifting Youth Voices. Moderated panel at the 12th Annual Howard University International Conference on Stigma, Virtual (2021, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Understanding Surgical Disparities in the Broader Context of Global Public Health. Invited talk at the University of Maryland’s chapter of the Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) Meeting, Virtual (2021, Nov).


Diggs-Hobson, M., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Johnson, V. SHERO: The Impact of Faith in Conversations with Women living with HIV. Invited panel session at the United States Conference on HIV/AIDS, Virtual (2021, Oct).

Aimone, E., Maragh-Bass, A.C., MacQueen, K. A Qualitative Exploration of The Impact of COVID-19 for HIV Service Provision for African Americans. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO (2021, Oct). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Wanyenze, R., Munshi, S., Weis, J. Decolonizing Global Health: An Overview and Discussion Between Global Health Actors. Moderated panel at the 2021 USAID Global Health Leaders Meeting, Virtual (2021, Sep).


Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonizing Global Health: Lessons from a Scientist and Professor in the Context of Global HIV Stigma Research. Invited talk at USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS, Virtual (2021, Jun).

Corbin-Gutierrez, E., Daskalakis, D.C., Grant, L., Rose, M., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Biomedical HIV Prevention Technologies: Are Our Systems Ready? Closing plenary at the National Minority AIDS Council’s Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit, Virtual (2021, Mar).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Kumar, A., Munshi, S. A Conversation About Moving Towards Decolonization: Global Perspectives. Moderated panel for the UNC 42nd Annual Minority Health Conference, Chapel Hill, NC (2021, Feb).

Maragh-Bass, A.C, Stoner, M., Mitchell, J.T., Riggins, L., LeMasters, K., Bhushan, N.L., Walker, M., Debnam S.L., Lightfoot, A., Pettifor, A., Golin, C. Amplifying Youth Voices in HIV Prevention: Lessons Learned from a Community-Based Adolescent Health Project in Durham, NC. Oral session at the 4th HIV Research for Prevention Conference,  Virtual (2021, Jan).

Thompson, G., Lenzi, R., Phillips, T., Maragh-Bass, A.C. From Global to Local: Comparative Case Study Analysis of Promising Approaches to Addressing Health Equity within U.S. Communities. Roundtable session at the American Public Health Association Conference, Virtual (2020, Oct).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Gamble, T., Tolley, E.E. Stigma, Gender, and Social Ties: Viral Non-Suppression among Patients in HPTN 065 and Intervention Implications. Panel presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA (2020, Apr). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Hendricks Sloan, D., Parker, L., Algenin, F., Knowlton, A.R. A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Faith, Spirituality, and Health Program Interest among Older African Americans with HIV. Poster session at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA (2020, Apr).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Mitchell, J.T., Stoner, M.C...Lightfoot, A. Addressing Equity in HIV Prevention among Youth in Durham, NC.  Oral presentation at the Paul A. Godley Health Equity Symposium at the UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC (2020, Mar). 

Stoner, M.C., Mitchell, J., Maragh-Bass, A.C...Golin, C. A Community-Based Approach to Understanding PrEP Care in At-Risk Adolescents. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2019, Nov). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Learning from Lived Experiences: Stigma, Social Ties, and HIV Outcomes among Patients in HPTN 065 and Its Implications. Bridging session at the International AIDS Society Annual Meeting, Mexico City, MX (2019, Jul).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Tolley, E.E. ‘Either You Float or You Drown:’ Social Ties, Stigma, and Lived Experiences of the HIV Care Continuum in HPTN 065. Poster session at the International AIDS Society Annual Meeting, Mexico City, MX (2019, Jul).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Catanzarite, Z., Knowlton, A.R. ‘The Woman Gives’: Exploring Gender and Relationship Factors in HIV Advance Care Planning among African American Caregivers. Poster session at the International AIDS Society Annual Meeting, Mexico City, MX (2019, Jul).

Hamilton, E.L., Lawton, A., Maragh-Bass, A.C…Remien, R. Make it Easier: Facilitators and Barriers to HIV Care and Medication Adherence in HPTN 078. Poster session at the International Conference on HIV Treatment & Prevention Adherence, Miami, FL (2019, Jun).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Understanding the Role of Social Ties and Stigma in HIV Treatment Outcomes in HPTN 065. Scholars panel presentation at the HIV Prevention Trials Network Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (2019, Jun).

Morris, M.A., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Griffin, J., Rutten, L., Lagu, T., Phelan, S. Even if We Build It, Equitable Care Might Not Come: Mixed-Methods Study of the Implementation of Accessible Equipment in the Primary Care Setting. Oral presentation at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA (2018, Jun). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Phelan, S., Griffin, J., Rutten, L., Davis, W.A., Pitzer, A., Morris, M.A. Even if We Build It, Equitable Care Might Not Come: Differences in Care Receipt and Satisfaction for Patients with Disabilities. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO (2016, Nov). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Fields, J., Knowlton, A.R. Challenges and Opportunities to Engaging Emergency Medical Service Providers in Substance Use Research: A Qualitative Study. Poster presentation at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA (2016, Jun). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Changoor, N.R., Srivastava, A…Morris, M.A. The Complexity of Pain Management in the Emergency Department: A Qualitative Exploration of Provider Perspectives. Poster session at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA (2016, Jun). 

Smalls, B.L., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Morris, M.A., Haider, A.H. The Social Determinants of Surgical Disparities: Towards A New Research Framework. Poster session at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA (2016, Jun). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Torain, M.....Haider, A.H. Risks and Benefits of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Collection in the ED: Patient and Provider Views from the EQUALITY Study. Panel presentation at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA (2016, Jun). 

Isenberg, S., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Nguyen, T., Knowlton, A.R., Mitchell, M.M. Chronic Pain and Patient Provider Engagement in Drug-Using, Primarily African-American Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. Poster presentation at the International Conference on HIV Treatment & Prevention, Miami, FL (2016, May). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Isenberg, S., Knowlton, A.R. Palliative and Advanced Care Planning among African-American HIV-positive Injection Drug Users: A Mixed-Methods Exploration. Oral presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, Washington, DC (2016, Mar). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Fields, J., Knowlton, A.R. 'We Get Tunnel Vision’: A Qualitative Exploration of Emergency Medical Providers’ Views on Substance Use and Users in Baltimore. Poster presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, Washington, DC (2016, Mar). 

Robinson, A.C., Appelson, J.R., Changoor, N.R., Davis, W.A., Haider, A.H., Morris, M.A. Qualitative Surgical Research - Why isn't it being Published in Surgical Journals? Paper session at the American Surgical Congress, Jacksonville, FL (2016, Feb).

Robinson, A.C., Knowlton, A.R. Latent Class Syndemic Factors and Medical Adherence among African American HIV-positive Drug Users. Oral presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Antonio, TX (2015, Apr). 

Robinson, A.C., Knowlton, A.R. Sex Differences & Behavioral Correlates of HIV Viral Suppression among African-Americans: Implications for Intervention. Paper session at the Annual Health Disparities Conference, Columbia University Teachers College, New York, NY (2015, Mar). 

Robinson, A.C., Knowlton, A.R. Medical Adherence Outcomes among African-Americans with HIV/AIDS: Findings from the BEACON study. Poster session at the Annual Health Disparities Conference, Columbia University Teachers College, New York, NY (2015, Mar). 

Olumide, A.O., Robinson, A.C.,…Acharya, F. Association between Cigarette Smoking and Suicidal Attempts among Disadvantaged Adolescents in Five Global Cities. Poster session at the World Conference on Tobacco, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2015, Mar). 

Robinson, A.C., Mitchell, M.M., Smith, T.J, Knowlton, A.R. Preferences for Formal vs. Informal Care: Predictors of End of Life Care among Persons with HIV/AIDS. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, New Orleans, LA (2014, Nov). 

Powell, C., Robinson, A.C., Park, J., German, D. Insurance Status and Related Factors among Injection Drug Users in Baltimore: Implications for Harm Reduction and Healthcare Programs. Poster session at the National Harm Reduction Conference, Baltimore, MD (2014, Oct). 

Mitchell, M.M., Robinson, A.C., Knowlton, A.R. Caregiver Characteristics Predictive of Viral Load among Current or Former Injection Drug Users Living with HIV/AIDS. Oral presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, Philadelphia, PA (2014, Apr). 

Mitchell, M.M., Knowlton, A.R., Robinson, A.C., Nguyen, T. Concordance of Mental Health Ratings between People Living with HIV/AIDS and their Primary Informal Caregivers. Poster session at the 2013 American Public Health Association Conference, Boston, MA (2013, Nov). 

Knowlton, A.R., Robinson, A.C., Mitchell, M.M., Nguyen, T., Pacek, L. Medication Assistance from Family or Friends is Protective of Effects of Current Substance Use on Virologic Control: Implications for Intervention. Poster presentation at the International Conference on HIV Treatment & Prevention Adherence, Miami, FL (2013, Jun). 

Knowlton, A.R., Robinson, A.C., Mitchell, M.M., Nguyen, T., Pacek, L. Informal Caregiver Reports of Care Recipients' ART Adherence: Implications for Dyadic Intervention. Poster presentation at the International Conference on HIV Treatment & Prevention Adherence, Miami, FL (2013, Jun). 

Nghiem, K., Robinson, A.C., Tucker, C. Wall, W., Roncoroni, J., Sanchez, J., Shotande, F. Increasing Vegetable Purchasing and Consumption Among African American Women. Poster session at the American Public Health Association Conference, San Francisco, CA (2012, Nov). 

Knowlton, A.R., Nguyen, T., Robinson, A.C., Keruly, J., Chander, G., Moore, R. Injection Drug Users’ & their Caregivers’ Social Network Factors Associated with IDUs’ Viral Suppression. Paper session at the International Conference on HIV Treatment & Prevention Adherence, Miami, FL (2012, Jun). 

Robinson, A.C., Nghiem, K.N, Tucker, C.M. Predictors of Engagement in Health Promotion among African American churches: A Pilot Study. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Washington, DC (2011, Nov). 

Nghiem, K., Robinson, A.C., Wall, W., Roncoroni, J. Validation and Use of a New Patient-Centered Culturally Sensitive Health Care Provider Inventory. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Washington, DC (2011, Nov). 

Nghiem, K., Robinson, A.C., Tucker, C. Haimberg, Y., Haarbauer, K., Muhamed, S. Assessing Levels of Patient-Centered Cultural Sensitivity in Rural and Urban Healthcare Sites. Oral session at the American Public Health Association Conference Paper Session, Denver, CO (2010, Nov). 

Nghiem, K., Robinson, A.C., Tucker, C. Haimberg, Y. Recruiting and Retaining Healthcare Sites for Research Studies. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference Paper Session, Denver, CO (2010, Nov). 

Professional Presentations (née Robinson) 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Principles and Lessons in Decolonizing Global Health. Presentation to Colegio Médico de Honduras, Asociación Hondureña de Parasitología (AHPA), Instituto de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitología Antonio Vidal (2024, Oct).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Plotkin, M., Chandam, C., Kamanga, G., Chabikuli, O.  Empowering Individuals: FHI 360 Initiatives to Promote Data Analysis and Use. Presentation to FHI 360 Global Learning and Technical Measurement Group, Virtual (2024, Aug). 

Pipkins, D., Bryant, H., Dirks, R., Masterson, J., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Strategic Change Initiatives and Progress in Locally Led Development. Presentation to FHI 360's Expanded Leadership Forum, Virtual (2024, Aug).

Sousa, B., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Leadership Development: Lessons, Opportunities, and Principles. Presentation and moderated panel to FHI 360 Leadership Development Program, Virtual (2024, Jun). 

Tuladhar, B., Johnson, L., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Best Practices Engaging Youth in Locally Led Development. Roundtable session facilitation for FHI 360 Locally Led Development in Practice Speaker Series, Virtual (2024, Apr). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Partnership Equity: Lessons Learned from Mixed Methods Assessment and Community Accountability. Presentation to FHI 360 HIV Department's EpiC Team, Virtual (2024, Mar). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decoloniality in Global Health: The Example of Climate Change. Presentation to Global Health Visions Global Health Team, Virtual (2024, Mar).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Decolonization, Localization, and DEIA Matters at USAID. Presentation to the USAID PRH Inclusion Committee, Virtual (2024, Jan). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Authorship: Why it Matters and How to Increase Authorship Equity. Presentation to FHI 360 Global Learning and Technical Measurement Group, Virtual (2023, Oct). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Conducting Partnership Assessments to Promote Equity: A Case Study at FHI 360. Presentation to USAID Research for Scalable Solutions Consortium, Virtual (2023, Aug).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Tolley, E.E., Ranier, C., Hightow-Weidman, L. Evidence-Based Tools using Human-Centered Design to Promote PrEP Uptake for Young Men Who Have Sex with Men of Color. Presentation to CDC's Turning Research into Practice (TRIP) Series, Virtual (2023, Jul). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Prata, N., Tuhebwe, D.,., Dosani, R. Decolonization Approaches to Global South-North Partnerships. Invited presentation to the FHI 360 Evidence that Matters Speaker Series, Virtual (2023, Mar).

Matthews, D., Sheeth, R., Kusi, N., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Prototyping A Decolonizing Advisory Service. Panel presentation at the Reimagination of the INGO Learning Festival, Virtual (2022, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonization, Localization, and DEIA. Invited presentation to USAID's West Africa Regional Economic Growth Office Trade Team, Virtual (2022, May).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Decolonization: 101 Regional Roundtable. Invited Panel Discussion Facilitator for USAID's West Africa Regional Economic Growth Office Trade Team, Virtual (2022, May).

Wanyenze, R., Ram, R., Gotto, D., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonization and Voices from the Grassroots and Community. Moderated panel for USAID’s Global Health Diversity Equity Inclusion and Accessibility Speaker Series, Virtual (2022, Feb).


Maragh-Bass, A.C., Decolonization Global Health and Aid: An Overview. Invited talk for USAID’s West Africa Mission’s Diversity and Inclusion Group, Virtual (2022, Jan).


Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonizing Global Health in the Context of HIV Research. Invited talk for Women’s Global Health Imperative, RTI International, Virtual (2021, Nov).


Whitmore, C., Maragh-Bass, A.C., MacQueen, K. BECS-led Health Equity Work Focused on LGBTQ-Identified Young Adults of Color in the Durham Community. Presentation to the PRIDE360 Employee Resource Group, FHI 360, Virtual (2021, Nov).


Budhwani, H., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Implementation Science Approaches to Global HIV Prevention. Moderated panel for the Evidence that Matters series, FHI 360, Virtual (2021, Sep).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Hinton III, H. Promoting Wellness Programs for Older Women of Color in the Durham Community. Invited talk at the Health Equity Collaborative Partnership through the Mayor’s Office, Virtual (2021, Aug).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonizing Global Health and Development: An Overview and Recommendations for Collective Action. Presentation and facilitated talk to USAID's Office of Health Systems, Virtual (2021, Jun). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonizing Global Health: Perspectives in the Context of Global HIV Prevention. Presentation and facilitated talk to USAID's Office of HIV/AIDS, Virtual (2021, Jun). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Moore, A., Lucas, J., Weschler, H., Gilliard, M., The Impact of COVID-19 on Black Communities in the US: Ways Forward. Moderated panel for the Africa Employee Resources Group at FHI 360, Virtual (2021, May). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Decolonization? I’m Glad You Asked. Presentation to the FHI 360 Global Leadership Meeting, Virtual (2021, May).

 Maragh-Bass, A.C., MacKenzie, A., Rademacher, K. Decolonization and Global Health Equity: What Does it Have to Do with Our Efforts in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at FHI 360?  Presentation to FHI 360 Human Resources leadership, Virtual (2021, Apr).

Campbell, R., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Wheeler, D. Mentoring Researchers and Care Providers to Address Disparities. Workshop at the 5th Annual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit, Virtual (2021, Mar). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., MacKenzie, A., Abraham, S., Aimone, E., Rademacher, K. Moving Towards Decolonization in Global Health: A Conversation About Who, What, Why, and How. Invited talk at USAID’s Antidiscrimination Council, Virtual (2021, Feb).

Belcher, H., Piggott, D., Lopez, C., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Kitchen Table Talk: COVID-19 Vaccines for the Community. Invited Session at Johns Hopkins Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD (2021, Feb).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Raveendran, Y., Mkumba, L., MacKenzie, A., Rademacher, K. A Conversation About Decolonization and Global Health Equity. Invited talk at USAID’s Center for Innovation and Impact, Virtual (2021, Jan).

Nyblade, L., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Poteat, T., Muessig, K. Conducting HIV Stigma Research in the Era of COVID-19. Moderated panel for the UNC CFAR and RTI International, Durham, NC (2020, Oct).

Airhihenbuwa, C., Chabikuli, O., Jones, C.P., Thomas, S., Maragh-Bass, A.C. A Conversation About Racism, Social Determinants and COVID-19 . Moderated Panel for the International Visiting Leaders Program, State Department, Washington, DC (2020, Aug).

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Getting to Zero in Mecklenburg and NC: Efforts in Youth-Focused Equity-Based Research. Invited Talk at Mecklenburg County Public Health Community HIV Planning Group, Charlotte, NC (2020, May).

Jenson, D., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Stewart, K….Decolonizing Global Health: Lessons Learned from US-Based HIV Equity Research. Lecture and Panel Session with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Duke University, Durham, NC (2020, Jan). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Munn, T., Hunter, M. Inclusion and Respect: LGBTQ+ 101 and How to Be an Ally. Lunch and Learn Training Session with Triangle Empowerment Center at ReCity, Durham, NC (2019, Nov). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Lifespan Approaches in HIV/AIDS Research and Addressing Stigma in Older African American Communities. Lecture and Panel Presentation with the Access to Care Subcommittee, Partnership for a Healthy Durham, Durham, NC (2019, Nov).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Scott, H., Shoptaw, S. New Investigators Scholars Lessons Learned and Mentorship Opportunities. Online Webinar with The Legacy Project, Office of HIV/AIDS Network Coordination, Durham, NC (2019, Aug). 

Orleans, T., Yaroch, A., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Samuels, A., Canady, L, Phillips, T. Engaging Funders in Health Equity Research and Evaluation: Advancing Health Equity Research Through Collaboration. All-day conference with CDC, RWJF, NIH, California Endowment, Kresge Foundation, W.K. Kellogg Foundation leadership, Washington, DC (2017, Jul).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Weldy, A.R., Ledsky, R., Lehman, T. Adolescent Vaccination Research Among Clinicians: Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Recommendations to the CDC. Presented to CDC leadership, Washington, DC (2017, Jun).

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Samuels, A., Canady, L., Phillips, T. Fostering RWJF’s Culture of Health and Building a Health Equity Collaborative: Recommendations and Next Steps.  Presented to RWJF leadership. FHI 360, Washington, DC (2017, Feb).

Smalls, B.L., Maragh-Bass, A.C. Qualitative Research 101: Introduction to Methods and Analysis. Training at the Center for Health Services Research, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY (2016, Oct). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. A Tale of Two Datasets: Healthcare Utilization and Outcomes among African American Injection Drug Users in Baltimore, MD. Job Talk at Ipsos Corporation, Washington, DC (2016, May). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C. Meta-Ethnography 101: Qualitative Synthesis and Its Applications in Surgical Research. Surgical Resident Training at Center for Surgery and Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA (2016, May). 

Haider, A.H., Maragh-Bass, A.C., Britt, L.D. National Agenda for Surgical Disparities Research Launch Webinar Event. Webinar hosted with attendees of the 2015 NIH-ACS Symposium on Surgical Disparities Research, Boston, MA (2016, Mar). 

Maragh-Bass, A.C., Torain, M., Adler, R. Facilitating Collection of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Information in Healthcare Settings. Staff training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA (2015, Oct).  

Robinson, A.C. Medication Self-Monitoring: Encouraging Independence for Transitional Housing Shelter Residents. Training module for Project PLASE staff, Baltimore, MD (2015, Mar). 

Robinson, A.C. Applying Qualitative Methods in Emergency Medicine Research. Training at Johns Hopkins Center for Surgical Trials Outcomes Research, Baltimore, MD (2014, Jun). 

Robinson, A.C., Johnson, K., Kaushiva, A., Lee, C., Parsons, J. Mammography Screenings from Women Ages 40 to 49: Considerations and Recommendations to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Talk to Johns Hopkins Dept. of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health Seminar, Baltimore, MD (2014, Feb). 

Robinson, A.C., Gutierrez, M.A. Faith-based Organizations and Health Interventions: Can they Work for Health Disparate Populations? Presentation to the JHSPH Dept. of Health Policy and Management Health Disparities Journal Club, Baltimore, MD (2011, Dec). 

Robinson, A.C., Clayton, M.L. Mead, E. Entertainment Education Theory and Program Evaluation Methodology. Presentation given during Johns Hopkins Dept. of Health, Behavior, Society Doctoral Seminar, Baltimore, MD (2011, Apr). 

Robinson, A.C. Becoming a Health-Smart Church Center: Support from Within. Training churchgoers to disseminate health education materials through the Health-Smart Church Program, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (2010, Jun). 

Tucker, C. Robinson, A.C., Kaye, L.B., Nolan, S., Nghiem, K., Increasing Diversity at the University of Florida: Research and Teaching Partnerships for the UF Center for Health Disparities. Presentation to the Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (2010, May). 

Tucker, C. Robinson, A.C., Nghiem, K., Rentz, D., Oliveros, J.M. Health-Smart Community Centers: Health Promotion through Schools, Churches, and Healthcare Centers. Presentation to Vice President of International Government Affairs of the PepsiCo Foundation, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (2010, Apr).  

Robinson, A.C. How to Serve Gainesville with our Health-Smart Church Program. Health-Smart Church Program Training Session, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. (2009, May). 

Robinson, A.C. Empowering Church Members to Coach their Congregations to Health. Training session in health education for Health-Smart Church Program Church Leaders, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. (2009, Apr). 

Robinson, A.C., Jones, J.D., Daly, K.D., Lopez, M.T., Nghiem, K. The Health-Smart Church Program: Discussion of Collaborative Initiatives with the YMCA USA. Presentation to the YMCA USA’s Activate America Program, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (2009, Mar).  

Tucker, C. Robinson, A.C., Desmond, F., Oliveros, J.M. Funding Research for Health Disparities Initiatives in Florida. Session with the State Surgeon General, Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Tallahassee, FL (2009, Feb). 

Robinson, A.C., Fesperman, S., Munshi, N. The Do No Harm/W.H.O.A.R.E.Y.O.U. Initiative: Using Social Marketing to Eradicate Female Genital Cutting in Egypt. Health education campaign presented to the Dept. of Behavioral Science and Community Health, University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions, Gainesville, FL (2008, Dec). 

Robinson, A.C., Hernandez, S., Major, Z.I., Shannon, M., Womack, L. Smoking: It’s Never Too Late to Quit. Presentation given to a smoking cessation support group for individuals with disabilities at the North Central Florida Center for Independent Living, Gainesville, FL (2008, Oct). 

Major, Z.I., Robinson, A.C. Alzheimer’s Disease – An Overview of Cohort Issues Presentation given to the Chronic Disease Management Course, Dept. of Behavioral Science and Community Health, University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions, Gainesville, FL (2008, Sep). 

Robinson, A.C., Fesperman, S.F., Major, Z.I. Primary prevention of smoking: A Public Service Announcement for Cigarette Smoking Prevention. PSA viewing and presentation given at a meeting with members of the North Florida Area for Health Education Centers, Gainesville, FL (2008, Oct). 

Jones, J.D., Robinson, A.C., Daly, K.D., Lopez, M.T., Nghiem, K. Research Collaboration and Partnerships for the Recruitment and Retention of National Healthcare Sites to Test the Tucker Culturally-Sensitive Healthcare Inventory. Presentation to the Cobb Institute and National Medical Association, Gainesville, FL (2008, Jan). 

Hamsho-Diaz, P., Major, Z.I., Patwary, A., Robinson, A.C. Promoting integration among Eastside High School Students: A Primary Prevention of Suicide. Poster presented at the 2007 University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions Research Day, Gainesville, FL (2007, Apr). 

Robinson, A.C. The Unknown Impact of the FCAT and Other Standardized Tests on Middle School Students: Perceived Academic Competence and Implications for School Leadership. Presentation given to the Principal and Assistant Principal of Westwood Middle School, Gainesville, FL (2006, Jun).