Media Coverage
Blogs or News Posts
Devex International Development Newsletter (2024): "What Does Localization Really Mean?"
Humentum TIME Initiative Working Out Loud Blog Series (2023): "Language Matters: Core Concepts in Equity-Based Reform in Global Development"
ComminIt Health Social and Behavior Change Network (2023): "Applying a Power Analysis to Everything We Do: A Qualitative Inquiry to Decolonize the Global Health and Development Project Cycle."
Ampers&nd Prim&r Blog Post (2022): "Valuing Community Advisory Board Members: An Urgent Call Towards Critical Equity"
COVID Prevention Network (2021): "Cross-Post: Accurately Framing COVID-19 Vaccine 'Hesitancy'"
FHI 360 Degrees (2021): "The Full Picture: COVID-19 Vaccine 'Hesitancy' Among Black Americans"
RTI International Insights (2020): "A Community-Based Approach to Understanding PrEP Care In Youth"
McGill University Perspectives in Global Health (2020): "On the Importance of Uncomfortable Questions: Duke Decolonizing Global Health Conference"
Colegio Médico de Honduras, Asociación Hondureña de Parasitología, y Instituto de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitología Antonio Vidal (2024): "Principios y Lecciones de La Descolonización de La Salud Global."
Duke ThinkGlobal Speaker Series (2022): "Decolonization Approaches to Global South-North Partnerships."
Kampala Initiative (2022): "Localization of Aid: Decolonization or Not?"
Durham Housing Authority ROSSCast (2021): "Highlighting our Partners and HIV Prevention in the Durham Community"
FHI 360 Research Roundtable (2020): "Exploring the Impact of Stigma for People with HIV in the United States"
Duke University Decolonizing Global Health Symposium (2020): "Lessons Learned from a US-Based Equity Perspective (1-hour mark)"
Office of HIV/AIDS Network Coordination's Legacy Project (2019): "New Investigators Scholarship Lessons Learned and Mentorship Opportunities"
Press Releases
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work’s Global Social Development Innovations (2024): "Global Symposium Presents Call to Action for Marginalized Groups Around the Globe"
NAM, CDC, NACCHO Sexual Health Tech Hackathon (2023): "Virtual Hackathon Winners Design Innovative Solutions to Prevent and Control STIs; $24K Awarded to Five Teams"
Physicians Weekly (2023): Q&A: Moving Beyond Risk Reduction in PrEP Counseling to Improve Uptake
NAM, CDC, NACCHO Sexual Health Tech Hackathon (2023): "Hackathon Awards $60K to Innovative, Implementable Solutions to Prevent, Treat, and Control STIs in the U.S."
Duke ThinkGlobal Speaker Series (2022): "Sharing Power as a Step Toward Shifting Power"
Duke Global Health Institute Education News (2020): "We Must Ask Uncomfortable Questions: Notes from Decolonizing Global Health 2020"
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Media Release (2017): "Just Ask the Question: Documenting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity with Transgender Patients"
AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting EurekaAlert (2016): "Patient-Centered Approach to Collect Sexual Orientation and Gender ID Information Studied"
News from American College of Surgeons and Brigham and Women's Hospital (2016): "Groundbreaking Symposium Identifies Priorities for Surgical Disparities Research"
American College of Surgeons Bulletin (2015): "No quality without access: ACS and NIH collaborate to ensure access to optimal care"
Delta Omega Beta Upsilon Chapter (2012): "Delta Omega Honorary Public Health Society Alumni Inductee Announcement"
Prior to 2012
Florida Public Health Review (2008): "Public Health Students Working in Partnership with the Center for Independent Living"
University of Florida Anderson Scholars Honors Program (2005): "Anderson Scholars Honors Student Induction"
Florida Sun-Sentinel (2002): "24 Black Broward Teens Vie For National Merit/Achievement Scholarships"