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I am an experimental researcher from condensed matter physics background by training.

On 10th October, I joined as an Experimental Officer at NGI (National Graphene Institute), University of Manchester, UK. At present, my goal is to setup the new Thermal Scanning Probe Lithography (tSPL) equipment at NGI and achieve highest resolution (sub-10nm) using different thermal resists.

I had been working (research only) in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Manchester from November 2018. As a cross-functional research collaborator gained as a casual appointment, recently (August, 2022) I was working on a GEIC (Graphene Engineering Innovation Center) project in collaboration with GKN Ltd.  As a Marie Curie Individual fellow (Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2019), I worked on molecular gas transport properties through nanoporus membranes with Sir Prof. Andre K. Geim at University of Manchester. In 2017, I moved to Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel for postdoctoral studies with FGS fellowship to work with Prof. David Cahen and Prof. Gary Hodes, where I was investigating the impact of defects on the performance of hybrid halide perovskite (HaPs) solar cells.

I have completed my Ph.D. thesis entitled Topological Insulators and Transition Metal Dichalcogenides under Extreme Conditions : Optical Studies.  I received my Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Ajay K Sood, FRS and Dr. D V S Muthu. My main focus was Materials’ Characterization and to investigate Materials’ Physical and  Optoelectronic properties under extreme conditions such as at low temperature (4K), at high pressure (30 GPa), high bias/gating electric field for short channel (<0.6 µm) FET electronic devices.  

During my research tenure (more than 12 years), I have studied different novel materials such as topological insulators, quantum paraelectric, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), monolayer FET devices (from TMDs family) as a function of temperature, high pressure (GPa) and gating (for electrical measurements). I have also studied Pb-based hybrid (organic cation) and non-hybrid hallide perovskites (HaPs) used for solar cell materials, graphene and graphene-derivatives for molecular gas transport measurements.

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NGI 2nd floor,  Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE), The National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester-M13 9PL, UK
Email: achintyabera@outlook.com