Teacher Appreciation Week

A collaboration between The Postal Challenge and The Gratitude Project set out to celebrate 33 teachers! While they are busy sending 33 notes of gratitude every three months and are dropping the first episode of their podcast, "Goodness, Gracias, Great Talks of Gratitude" (guest starring high school Spanish teacher Karen Eisenhauer), they thought they'd send out 33 notes of gratitude to educators who are making or made big impacts! 

Oh! It will fit.
Beechview Pride Fundraiser

Pride is right around the corner! And you know drag performers cost money y'all! Monday, May 1st is the first day you can sign up and join our Beechview Pride fundraiser, "Oh, It'll Fit".  This whacky, mail-based game only costs $5 to participate in and all proceeds will benefit Beechview Pride. Get ready to jam it in and sign up today!