
International Tutor Training Program Certification.

Math Help Center (MHC)

I worked in MHC as a turor of all lower level (100 level) courses from Fall 2018 - Spring 2022. I was a special tutor for the following course.


I started my teaching career as a high school teacher at Durbar high school (Sanskrit Secondary School) then worked as a mathematics instructor of GCE A-Level at  A.J. Wild College  for about 10 years.  Then from 2011, I started to work as a lecturer of mathematics at Amrit campus, Kathmandu until I joined the department of mathematics at UNCG  as a PhD student in 2018.  I completed my Ph.D. in the August of 2023 and joined Utah State University as a temporary Assistant Professor. I have been teaching Calculus 1 and Trigonometry at USU.  At UNCG, as a graduate teaching assistant, taught several courses of mathematics to undergraduate students.  I have a good experience of teaching in three different modes: in person, online and hybrid.  The courses that I taught at UNCG so far are listed below:

In addition, I worked as a TA in tutoring/grading the some other  100 and 200 level courses. 

Courses I taught in Nepal include:

I like to do teaching and research simultaneously.

For effective class activities and presentations, I use Concept Checking True/False questions and TILT assignments. Some of their examples are given here (from Calculus A).

Concept Checks Some short videos Some Recorded Lessons

TILT Assignments