Cribl Stream Projects allows users to securely access data through self-service model. Benefit from simplified views and workflows to work with data that caters to your needs and entitlements without affecting other users downstream. Talk about democratization of access to Cribl!

See an up-to-the-minute list of important course activity including new content, announcements, and grades in the Blackboard Learn app. The activity stream automatically prioritizes the items to help you focus on the tasks that you want to take care of right away.

Tap an item in the stream to open it and begin working. Tap the linked course title within the item if you want to go to the course outline instead.

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In the Blackboard Learn app, some activity stream items are affected by your Blackboard Learn 9.1 dashboard notification settings. A notification setting may control whether the item appears in the app's activity stream.

A Stream provides a way to receive a sequence of events.Each event is either a data event, also called an element of the stream,or an error event, which is a notification that something has failed.When a stream has emitted all its events,a single "done" event notifies the listener that the end has been reached.

You produce a stream by calling an async* function, which then returnsa stream. Consuming that stream will lead the function to emit eventsuntil it ends, and the stream closes.You consume a stream either using an await for loop, which is availableinside an async or async* function, or by forwarding its events directlyusing yield* inside an async* function.Example:

When this function is called, it immediately returns a Stream object.Then nothing further happens until someone tries to consume that stream.At that point, the body of the async* function starts running.If the convert function was omitted, the yield* will listen to thesource stream and forward all events, date and errors, to the returnedstream. When the source stream closes, the yield* is done,and the optionalMap function body ends too. This closes the returnedstream.If a convert is supplied, the function instead listens on the sourcestream and enters an await for loop whichrepeatedly waits for the next data event.On a data event, it calls convert with the value and emits the resulton the returned stream.If no error events are emitted by the source stream,the loop ends when the source stream does,then the optionalMap function body completes,which closes the returned stream.On an error event from the source stream,the await for re-throws that error, which breaks the loop.The error then reaches the end of the optionalMap function body,since it's not caught.That makes the error be emitted on the returned stream, which then closes.

The more low-level listen method is what every other method is based on.You call listen on a stream to tell it that you want to receiveevents, and to register the callbacks which will receive those events.When you call listen, you receive a StreamSubscription objectwhich is the active object providing the events,and which can be used to stop listening again,or to temporarily pause events from the subscription.

A single-subscription stream allows only a single listener during the wholelifetime of the stream.It doesn't start generating events until it has a listener,and it stops sending events when the listener is unsubscribed,even if the source of events could still provide more.The stream created by an async* function is a single-subscription stream,but each call to the function creates a new such stream.

When an event is fired, the listener(s) at that time will receive the event.If a listener is added to a broadcast stream while an event is being fired,that listener will not receive the event currently being fired.If a listener is canceled, it immediately stops receiving events.Listening on a broadcast stream can be treated as listening on a new streamcontaining only the events that have not yet been emitted when the listencall occurs.For example the first getter listens to the stream, then returns the firstevent that listener receives.This is not necessarily the first even emitted by the stream, but the firstof the remaining events of the broadcast stream.

When the "done" event is fired, subscribers are unsubscribed beforereceiving the event. After the event has been sent, the stream has nosubscribers. Adding new subscribers to a broadcast stream after this pointis allowed, but they will just receive a new "done" event as soonas possible.

Use waterway=stream for a naturally-forming waterway that is too narrow to be classed as waterway=river (the commonly accepted rule for OpenStreetMap is that a stream can be jumped across by an active, able-bodied person). A stream need not be permanently filled with water. In case of varying size or intermittent waterways the distinction from larger rivers based on the above criterion should be made with respect to the high water level.

To map a stream, make a simple way and add the waterway=stream tag to it. If a flow exists, the direction of the way must be downstream (i.e. the way direction follows the flow). If the stream discharges into another stream, a river or the ocean you should make sure both are connected through a shared node.

To help make YouTube a safe community for everyone, we may limit the number of viewers on your mobile live stream. Also, your archived live stream will be set to private by default. It may take a few weeks to reflect these changes due to processing.

If your channel goes below 1,000 subscribers, you will have the same audience limitation as when your channel had less than 1,000 subscribers. You won't lose access to mobile live streaming unless your channel goes below 50 subscribers.

Use AirPlay to stream or share content from your Apple devices to your Apple TV, AirPlay-compatible smart TV, or Mac. Stream a video. Share your photos. Or mirror exactly what's on your device's screen.

And with ESPN+, you can stream live sports, thousands of live events, top leagues and tournaments, ESPN+ Originals, and the complete 30 for 30 Library. Plus, get exclusive access to premium articles, fantasy tools, and archives.

U.S. residents, 18+ only. Access content from each service separately. Location data required to watch certain content. Select Hulu content available via Disney+ with valid Hulu and Disney+ subscriptions; additional content only available via Hulu app. Hulu content can be streamed via Disney+ on up to 2 devices simultaneously. Additional app feature and device restrictions apply. For more information visit the Disney Help Center. Offer valid for eligible subscribers only. Subject to Disney+ and ESPN+ Subscriber Agreement.

Access content from each service separately. Location data required to watch certain content. Hulu content can be streamed via Disney+ on up to 2 devices simultaneously. Additional app feature and device restrictions apply. For more information visit the Disney Help Center. Subject to Disney+ and ESPN+ Subscriber Agreement.

When created, a stream logically takes an initial snapshot of every row in the source object (e.g. table, external table, or the underlyingtables for a view) by initializing a point in time (called an offset) as the current transactional version of the object. The changetracking system utilized by the stream then records information about the DML changes after this snapshot was taken. Change records providethe state of a row before and after the change. Change information mirrors the column structure of the tracked source object and includesadditional metadata columns that describe each change event.

Note that a stream itself does not contain any table data. A stream only stores an offset for the source object and returns CDCrecords by leveraging the versioning history for the source object. When the first stream for a table is created, several hidden columnsare added to the source table and begin storing change tracking metadata. These columns consume a small amount of storage. The CDC recordsreturned when querying a stream rely on a combination of the offset stored in the stream and the change tracking metadata stored in thetable. Note that for streams on views, change tracking must be enabled explicitly for the view and underlying tables to add the hiddencolumns to these tables.

It might be useful to think of a stream as a bookmark, which indicates a point in time in the pages of a book (i.e. the source object). Abookmark can be thrown away and other bookmarks inserted in different places in a book. So too, a stream can be dropped and other streamscreated at the same or different points of time (either by creating the streams consecutively at different times or by using TimeTravel) to consume the change records for an object at the same or different offsets.

In the transaction history for a table, a stream offset is located between two table versions. Querying a stream returns thechanges caused by transactions committed after the offset and at or before the current time.

The following example shows a source table with 10 committed versions in the timeline. The offset for stream s1 is currently betweentable versions v3 and v4. When the stream is queried (or consumed), the records returned include all transactions between tableversion v4, the version immediately after the stream offset in the table timeline, and v10, the most recent committed table versionin the timeline, inclusive.

Multiple queries can independently consume the same change data from a stream without changing the offset. A stream advances the offsetonly when it is used in a DML transaction. This behavior applies to both explicit and autocommit transactions. (By default, when aDML statement is executed, an autocommit transaction is implicitly started and the transaction is committed at the completion of thestatement. This behavior is controlled with the AUTOCOMMIT parameter.) Querying a stream alone does not advance its offset,even within an explicit transaction; the stream contents must be consumed in a DML statement. 17dc91bb1f

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