
APRIL 13, 2021 - 9 AM TO 12 PM PST

The workshop will be interactive and will last 3 hours with breaks included for stretching and coffee refill. Participants will be split into heterogeneous groups for Activity 1 and 2 and the schedule will be organised as follows:



Short introduction to evidence cafés (Tina) -15 min


Introduction to accessibility in analytics (Rebecca) -15 min


Ice breaker activity - An introduction to each other - 30 min

Introduce yourself and your week in 3 words


Activity 1: Introduction of the discussion object ‘OU Analyse’ (Rebecca)

(30 min discussion amongst individual groups and 10 min sharing with all groups)

OU Analyse is a predictive tool shared with tutors.

1. What characteristics (i.e. technical and pedagogical) does the tool have that are good from the perspective of accessibility (of 3 types of user*) and what are the barriers?

2. Thinking of our own contexts, what would we do with that information shown in the tool?

3. If this tool were shared with students, how could it be made more accessible?

*1. Someone who faces visual challenges – either they can’t see very well or they are colour blind

2. Somebody who is dyslexic

3. Somebody who has brain fog, perhaps because of depression, or treatment for a disease, or long Covid.


Coffee/Tea Break -15 min

10.55 – 11.35

Activity 2: Have a look at the HESA disability Classification.

(30 min discussion amongst individual groups and 10 min sharing with all groups)

  1. What analytics could we devise that could support people with disabilities? How could analytics help learners and educators?

  2. If we were to create a learning analytics tool to support accessibility, what classifications would we be looking for? What classifications do we need?


Wrap up (15 min)


Feedback on the evidence café (15 min)


During Activity 1 and 2, participants will keep notes on google docs and will be sharing these accross all groups.

  • The discsussions will be recorded if informed consent is given by participants

  • The notes that participants will take on google docs will be kept for analysis by the researchers.

  • Full outcomes of the workshop will be written up and submitted to the Journal of Learning Analytics.