Kitah Zayin

Sukkah Challenge

I challenged each grade to decorate a mini sukkah with unconventional materials (think Project Runway). The Vav and Zayin class received office supplies and had to get creative with their decor! Not only was this a fun and engaging way to celebrate the holiday, but students participated in the mitzvah of decorating a sukkah as well as learning you can decorate a sukkah with anything! Students also enjoyed walking around sukkahs decorated by other grades and discovering the materials they had to work with!

The Pomegranate Connection

Pomegranates are common around the High Holy Days, but why? This is what kitot vav and zayin dove into as one of their last moments in our sukkah. Together with Ms. Lili, students were able to experiment with different ways to open a pomegranate while also discussing it's meaning and significance. It is said that a pomegranate has 613 seeds, one for each of the mitzvot we should strive to live by every day.

Music with Bar

Music with Bar is one of the highlights of Sunday for all A.R.T.S. students. They love coming together with another grade and singing songs as well as blessings in a way that allows them to practice and become familiar with the Hebrew without even realizing it!

Speed Learning

Student's in Ms. Lili's class participated in a fun and active learning and sharing opportunity on Sunday! They sat across from each other and were given a topic and asked to share all they they knew and how that topic connected to them- in one minute. For example, if the topic was Shabbat they could share blessings, things you need, how they celebrate with their family and so on. This is a great way to keep the students excited and engaged in their learning!

Kehillah Tefillah

Kehillah Tefillah is our once a month tefillah with Rabbi Dorsch and Bar. We have been doing Havdalah together and it is a great way to engage the students in the process of starting a new week after Shabbat.

Parsha Posters

Zayin students were still able to go on their field trip to the Parsha Posters exhibit at the JCC. They had an amazing time and Ms. Lili got some incredible pictures of the students engaged in the art. Special thanks to Sig for driving and Rabbi Bohm for her tour!

Hebrew Progress

We are working on verb infinitives regarding movement in the classroom (i.e. opening and closing the doors and windows, standing up, sitting down, handing out items, collecting items, reading, and writing, turning lights off and on, giving thanks, and giving charity). We are reviewing days of the week, the Hebrew months, and the daily weather. We are also reviewing the colors of the rainbow, the forms of "to be" in Hebrew, and the concepts of "yesh" and "aiyn." Students are tasked with using context clues to build their Hebrew comprehension, and to take risks in their spoken Hebrew.

Tallit Project

The Kitah Zayin class and the students from the Kitah Vav class that will have their Bar or Bat Mitzvah before December 2019 came together with Judy Rosenthal to make their very own Tallit! This was an amazing opportunity and one where they could express their personalities with unique fabric choices. This tallit may not be the one they wear at their Bar or Bat Mitvah but it is perfect for Kinnus weekends, summer camp and more!

Mazel Tov Ethan!

Our Zayin class had a blast attending former student, Ethan's, Bar Mitzvah!

Mazel Tov Karina!

Our Zayin and Vav students celebrating Karina's Bat Mitzvah!