Performing Arts

Drama with Ms. Lili

Lili is excited to start exploring and practicing plays with each group. The Bet (2nd) and Gimmel (3rd) grade students will be working on the play Rebecca and the Camels. This will allow them to dive into the story about Rebecca, Isaac and Elizazar and address topics such as hospitality and welcoming new friends . The Dalet (4th) through Zayin (7th) students have discussed the 10 commandments and will be working on a play that focuses on the 5th commandment, Kibud Av v'Em, respecting your parents called Parent Swap.

Jewish Jam with Mr. Bar

The students are currently getting comfortable with the ukuleles and is excited about their progress! The first brachot the children will learn is the Barchu- we will keep you updated on their progress! The goal is to connect prayer learning with music so children are engaged in a meaningful lesson that connects two important concepts.

Play Rehersal 10/10

Students in drama start their day with a table read and discussion. The topic relates to the topic of the play but children are given a chance to work through the material and connect mitzvot and values to their life. It is one thing to work on memorizing information, it is another to work on connecting it to your own life.

One Day 10/10

Part of teaching is understanding that students like to feel like they are making progress which involves integrating long term goals with short term ones. The students of A.R.T.S. love singing the song "One Day" by Matisyahu and this is a great beginning ukulele song. While students are working on blessings, that will take a little more time to master, they are also practicing favorites that are easier to play.

On Stage 10/17

Ms. Lili's drama students took their plays to the stage this week! The children loved the opportunity to be on the stage and practicing their plays and it was a great way to change the environment in a curriculum appropriate manner.

Changing Spaces 10/17

This is the second week that the students have been in the smaller space of the chapel rather than the large sanctuary. Also, having them sit in a circle allows them to be more focus and attentive to Bar and what he is teaching. Also, the office loves to hear them practice and it certainly is becoming a welcoming sound for those who enter our building!

Cooperative learning in Theater Chug to help the cast bond. Group dynamics involve not only working together in a fun way, but also an opportunity for skill building. The class was immersed in Hebrew language with over half of the class taught in Hebrew.

Barchu 10/28

The students have really started to dive into their work on learning Barchu. There are a few additional challenges and skills involved and they are doing a great job picking up the music and playing along with the ukelele.

Blocking 11/7

In addition to going through the play, learning lines and talking about the context, there are a number of technical parts of Theater as well. With Ms. Lili's absence this week, Mrs. Amy was so kind as to take over both classes and help them with blocking the plays. This involves directions for entrance, exit, and general movement throughout the play.

Making Progress 11/7

When I walked into music with Bar this week, I looked at the board and then I looked at the class and said "do you guys know what all this means?" They all excitedly replied "yes!", not only do they work on the blessings, but they are gaining additional skills as well!

Dress Rehearsal 11/14

In addition to working on the specifics related to their play, students in drama are also working on verb infinitives regarding movement in the classroom (i.e. opening and closing the doors and windows, standing up, sitting down, handing out items, collecting items, reading, and writing, turning lights off and on, etc.). They have become quite responsive to the various directions given to them in the class, in Hebrew and respond smoothly without missing a beat!


Success! 11/14

I was so impressed in music today to see all the progress that has been made! They are doing such a great job, especially when I was able to understand just how many cord changes are involved in the Barchu. Singing the correct words while also following the cords involves a complete understanding of both parts of the process.

Chanukah! 12/5

We had a modified schedule today in order to hear a presentation about Camp Ramah and Jewish summer camp in general. This also gave us the opportunity to light the candles together as a school.

Learning About Camp Ramah