Some of the non-academic activities I've been part of in my school and college days are listed below.

Contract Bridge Game

During my leisure time, I play Bridge with my friends. Contract Bridge or simply Bridge is an internationally acclaimed trick-taking card game. I have been part of my hostel (Godavari) Bridge team since my freshman year at IIT Madras. I was also the captain of the institute Bridge team in my final year (2016-2017). During my captaincy, I introduced Contract Bridge as a part of Leisure Time Activity Program (LTAP) course which helped students to learn the bidding and playing tactics of the game. In the same year, I also organized IITM Open Bridge Tournament 2017, a 2 days long event with 3 tournaments, 100+ participants, and 120+ games with a total budget of INR 1.5 Lakh.

IIT Madras annual Open Bridge Tournament 2017. A 2 days event with 3 tournaments, 100+ participants, and 120+ games. This photo is taken in April 2017.


In my freshman year at IIT Madras, along with the basic engineering courses, I was introduced to various physical laws governing the flight of an airplane which motivated me to develop practical skills by joining the Aeromodelling Club at IITM. Over the years, I built and tested R/C flying wings, ornithopters, and quadrotors as a part of the Aeromodelling club.

In my freshman year, I became the coordinator for 'Ornithopter Workshop' in Shaastra 2013, the annual technical festival of IIT Madras. In my sophomore year, I organized 'Simple Plastic Airplane Design (SPAD) Workshop' during Shaastra 2014. In my third year, I organized 'Line Following Hovercraft Workshop' in Shaastra 2015.

Conducting Line following Hovercraft workshop during SHAASTRA 2015, the annual technical festival of IIT Madras. This photo is taken in January 2015.

Explaining the concepts of Hovercraft design to participants during the Line following Hovercraft Workshop. This photo is taken in January 2015.

Dakshana Alumni Network (DAAN)

Dakshana Foundation is a philanthropic organization which believes in alleviating poverty through education. It helps impoverished students to gain admission into the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), the premier engineering institutes in India. After my 10th grade, based on my academic performance and through a written test, I got the opportunity to receive free IIT-JEE coaching from Dakshana Foundation and fulfill my dream to become an engineer.

After completion of my secondary school, I got admitted into Indian Institute of Technology Madras with a major in Aerospace engineering and became part of Dakshana Alumani Network (DAAN). As a part of DAAN, I mentored and provided guidance to 150 Dakshana scholars for IIT-JEE 2013 and 2014.

Mentoring and providing guidance to Dakshana scholars intensively preparing for IIT-JEE 2014. This photo is taken in March 2014.

A group picture with Dakshana scholars studying in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Rangareddy, hyderabad. This photo is taken in March 2014.

National Cadet Corps (NCC)

During my school days (8th and 9th grade), I was a part of 1 Odisha NCC Battalion (Army). In my 9th grade, I was the commander (Sergeant) to a group of 50 cadets. In the same year, I attended NER (North Eastern Region) Trekking Camp held at Assam and Arunachanl Pradesh states of India. In the 20 days long camp, we trekked approximately 400 kms. In my freshman year at IIT Madras, I joined 4 Tamilnadu NCC Air Sqadron (Technical).

Group picture of 2013 NCC batch with the instructer. This photo is taken in February 2013.

Picture of myself in NCC Air Squadron uniform.This photo is taken in February 2013.

Taking picture with NCC ceremonial dress after independence day parade 2008 at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Mundali, Cuttack. This photo is taken in August 2008.

Practicing kneeling shooting position with L1A1 Self Loading Rifle (SLR). This photo is taken in February 2013.