

Cosmology Internships Lab Tour (image credit Melva Alvarez)

I am working with the MESA coordinator at Pasadena City College (PCC) to strengthen the connections between Caltech and Pasadena City College so that students can have opportunities to do research early in their careers. Studies have shown that students that do research tend to stay in STEM fields at a higher rate than students that do not participate in research.

The photo above shows a group of students from MESA at PCC after they toured labs in the basement of the Cahill Cosmology Center at Caltech.

I mentored 3 students from this group while they did research in the observational cosmology lab at Caltech during the summer of 2017 and one student from this group is working with me currently.

If you work at Caltech and are interesting in a STEM intern from PCC to work with you on your research please let me know!