Cosmology Internships Lab Tour (image credit Melva Alvarez)

I’m passionate about sharing my excitement about science, experience as a physicist, and knowledge about astrophysics!

I do lots of different education and outreach activities. I've listed most of them below and there are details about my most active projects on the sub-pages. If you are interested in any of these opportunities or would like to collaborate with me I'd be happy to talk about how you can get involved!

Current and Past Education and Outreach Activities:

Cosmology Internships with Pasadena City College: June 2016 — present

Worked with the Pasadena City College STEM coordinator to create internship and professional development opportunities for students that are underrepresented in STEM fields.

Lectures and Stargazing at Caltech: January 2016 — present

Lecturer and Panelist at Caltech Astronomy Outreach Series (2 events).

Lab Tour With All-Girls Science Summer Camp from Walden School: August 2014

Two hour presentation, tour, and activity with 4th-6th grade students about cosmology and electromagnetic radiation. Used IR thermal imaging camera to demonstrate how astronomers can learn from light our eyes cannot detect.

Classroom Visits: 2011 — present

Independent visits to classrooms in Chicago, San Antonio, Los Angeles, and Pasadena with ages ranging from 1st grade to 1st year undergraduates to talk informally about the South Pole Telescope, Antarctica, astrophysics and careers in science.

Adopt-A-Physicist and other science pen pal programs: 2010 — present

Correspond with young people potentially interested in career in science.

Space Visualization Laboratory - Astronomy Conversations (25 events): 2009 — 2013

One to two hour events once a month where scientists informally discuss current research with museum visitors at Adler Planetarium.

New York City Street Science Fair: June 2012

(1) Acted as a scientific consultant in the development of an exhibit featuring the South Pole Telescope (SPT) by SAIC art students. (2) Presented SPT science using the exhibit at World Science Festival.