Research Group

Our Research Group

From left: Lakshmi, Raj, Abhigyan, Shilpi (front), Sarthak (back), Rashmita, Soubhik and Prof VR. Supradeepa

(Not so) serious discussion in Banquet, CLEO-PR

With prof Ryuji Morita from Hokkaido University, Sapporo

One with the host of CLEO-PR-2023

From left: Abhigyan, Rashmita, Shilpi, Prof Takashige Omatsu (Chiba UNiversity, Japan), Pankaj (IIIT-Allahabad), Sarthak

Presenting our work in CLEO-PR-2023

When session chair Sze Yun Set was excited about our work and suggested that we could make it into a commercial product.

One with the fellow IIScians in CLEO-PR

Photonics enthusiasts from IISc.

Our group in Sensoji Temple in Tokyo 

Situated in Asakusa district, Tokyo ; sensoji temple is odest buddhist temple in tokyo.

One with the host of CLEO-PR-2023

Exploring authentic Japanese cuisine with prof Supradeepa.

Our stall on Open Day, IISc 2023

In our stall for kid section with Raj

Mandatory open day click in CeNSE Cafe

Tired and fulfilled faces after a long day.

One with the former lab-mates who earns in Euro

From left: Lakshmi, Rashmita, Shilpi , Raj, Vishal (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light), Nagarjun (Ghent University), Sarthak, Abhigyan, Velpula Balaswamy (Asst. Prof, ECE, IISc)

Organizing Children's Day with Notebook Drive, IISc

It is one of the biggest event of NBD, a volunteer group from IISc, with 2000 school kids across 22 schools, more than 150 volunteers from IISc. 

Roopa's House Party

Our former lab mate Roopa (now in LP2N, France) being the perfect host organized the perfect house party.

Happiness of gifting a sketch

Gifting a sketch to Roopa on her and Vishal's treat in Shakesbier

Last but not the least

Working on a pulsed cascaded Raman fiber laser